Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy

Yes, my title is a reference to Duck Dynasty. I do love that show.

This week I have been overly happy for some reason. Which has been a very good thing! I love feeling at peace with myself and with what I can't change.

I have tried really hard the last couple weeks to be outwardly happy. Just a happier person in general. I read that happiness is contagious and I am really tried to embrace that and help the people around me feel good by knowing me. I know that sometimes when you try to force happiness it doesn't come; so I haven't put a lot of pressure on myself. I have just tried to adjust my attitude to make life seem a little brighter.

And it has totally worked!

Here are some of the things I have done to help myself achieve more peace (because I love making lists):

- I have tried to spend at least 30 minutes every night just doing what Jocelyn wants to do. I never ignore J, but there are things at night that have to get done after work. Laundry, cooking, catching up on Instagram... you know, the important things. But I realized that the most important thing is raising my daughter so I have tried to be more active in what she's learning and discovering in life. I have also tried to include her in my laundry ventures and cooking dinner. Makes for a much slower process but I think ultimately in the end it will be very rewarding.

- I have decided that my happiness doesn't depend on if other people are happy. For example, RJ. He may be having a bad day but that doesn't mean that my day has to be bad. At first I felt a little selfish but it has made a world of difference and usually helps RJ's mood get better sooner. So the saying "misery loves company" is not allowed in our house.

- I have tried to envelope myself in the Christmas season. I'm trying to make smaller things a big deal, like Thanksgiving and Christmas and trying to celebrate little things that makes life more fun.

- I have had such a sense of gratitude lately. For a whole slew of things... that I have such a fun little family, that I have a car, that I can buy groceries. I think the cold weather has made me realize how much I have and how often I forget to remember to be thankful for all of those things.

- I have tried to surround myself with happy people and good attitudes. I love my coworkers and they are a good example to be happy no matter what and be chill about things that aren't important or that won't change. I spend a lot of time in my little office with my coworkers, they are great at listening to me vent but also having a good perspective on life. I am grateful for them. Plus there are a lot of laughs and that makes every work day better.

All in all, I think I'm just feeling okay with myself. I've come to terms with the things that can't change, but I'm also trying to better myself a little more everyday. I overthink just about every single thing in my life, so it's been nice to sit back and take life day by day and not try to look at the whole picture at once. Life is fluid and with every choice it changes, so I've tried to make the decisions that are the best for me and then be confident in what I choose. And then the days I choose to eat french fries for all three meals... I forgive myself for those days too.

Life is good; and meant to be lived in happiness.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye

We didn't end up making it to California.

Instead we get to say one of the hardest goodbyes to an amazing person.

RJ's grandpa passed away yesterday leaving everyone behind a bit sad. I'm so thankful that now he is with his sweet wife, but the finality of death is never easy.

I didn't know him extremely well, but he always had a warm smile and a joke to tell even if it was just to make himself laugh. Which is my kind of person... I frequently laugh at my own jokes.

RJ lived with his grandpa for a lot of years and helped mold RJ into the person he is today. One part of his obituary stands out that shows just how much RJ is like him.

It says, "Lothar had a big heart and was never too busy to serve his fellow man. He practiced the gospel of Jesus Christ in his treatment of others and in all his actions."

RJ isn't a very religious or spiritual person but he is still a very kind and compassionate person when it comes to serving others. He'll come to a person's aid without any question or second thought. He's very giving and has such a huge heart for someone in need. Only 1 of the 5,975,311 reasons I love him.

So although we didn't make it to vacation, I feel like we get much more. We are going to be surrounded by family that we don't see often enough and we're going to be reminded of how much we love RJ's grandpa and why he was such a monumental person on this earth. 

Plus funeral potatoes... I love funeral potatoes. :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hello October

So.... It's been a while. A long while. Whoops.

So I'm just going to jump right in and tell you what I've been thinking lately.

We'll start with the most adorable part of my life.

J. Jaybird. Chunker Pants. Jocelyn.

She's 9 months now. I am very conflicted with this fact. I miss her little baby-ness, but on the other hand I just want her to get a move on and grow up so that we can do awesome things together. So, like I said, very conflicted.

She is into everything at the moment. If you turn around for even one second all the contents of her diaper bag are strewn throughout the house and she'll have ripped the backs off at least 2 picture frames. I love how curious she is and how much she wants to figure out how things work.

I've also been going strong at school. I am so motivated right now to get my degree and learn as much as possible. I am excited for the possibilities after I graduate and I am loving my job right now. It does cut into Jocelyn and I's cuddling time but I figure in the long run, she probably won't mind.

We're all going on a much needed vacation to San Diego this weekend and I'm so excited to spend 10 hours each way in the car talking RJ's ear off. You see, the problem with always being busy is you don't get enough time with your significant other. So I daresay he'll be pretending to sleep after a few hours just so I quit talking. :)

Hopefully I'll be able to update with pictures once we get back!

Until then....

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I love Sundays. Every Sunday RJ and I eat breakfast together while J whines for crumbs of what we are eating.

Yesterday we did a lot of yard work and J went swimming in a tupperware... because we're classy like that.

We took 6 month pictures of Jocelyn. I can't believe it's been 6 months since I was waddling around doing squats hoping she would decide to come out.

These two did some cuddling yesterday. 

J has come to expect her food and she expects it now. She opens her mouth as wide as it can go hoping the food will get there faster. Cutest thing ever. 

And last week I went on a date with this guy. Doesn't get better than that.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Day for Fathers

I had a wonderful Father's Day yesterday. We started the weekend off at the Deters Family Reunion where we played on a gigantic Slip & Slide and got to hang out with my entire family. Yesterday my dad gave a beautiful talk in church. It was a great weekend and it reminds me how lucky I am to have an amazing dad.

My dad has always been there for me. I can never remember a time that my dad has let me down. He is so much fun to be around but he's always willing to give you advice when you ask for it. He never pushes or tells you what to do but he teaches you in such a loving way that you just want to make him proud and follow his advice.

My dad is was the best "Stage Dad" there is. He was always hooping and hollering at basketball games and always willing to put in an extra Bobby Pin for me at dance competitions. He would let you cry when you didn't do so well and always congratulate me on a job well done.

My dad is what I always envisioned finding in a husband of my own. He embodies caring and love but is also so much fun to be around. 

One of many of my favorite memories with my dad was turning on Green Day's "Time of Your Life" and dancing around his bedroom one night talking about the future and how you should always enjoy every moment of your life. You should cherish the good memories and learn from the bad. 

Growing up, I never thought I would meet a guy that was as cool and loving as my dad. But luckily, I did. 

RJ is such an amazing dad to Jocelyn. She lights up when he talks and is always smiles the biggest when he is down on the ground giving her all his attention. It wasn't easy for RJ to be out of work at the beginning of this year but he took such great care of J that there is such a bond between them that I think is going to last a lifetime. 

RJ wants only the very best for Jocelyn and constantly asks how he could love something so much. 

I can't imagine my life without RJ nor do I ever want to. 

Happy First Father's Day. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I can't believe it's already June!
Where does the time go?!

The last couple weeks have been so fun and amazing. J is getting so big and I am loving to see her little personality shine through.

I think that I've finally got back into a routine and we're doing good around our house. Here are some pictures of the last couple of weeks.

Someone wasn't having the best day on Saturday... This was her little temper tantrum that turned into a nap. If you tried to move her she got very angry.

Cute RJ. Love this guy. And his sexy face.

Nap time with J. We wear her out on the weekends by making her do new things and go go go. 

Apparently I only take pictures when she's sleeping. But I just can't help it.

Her first taste of actual food. She was not such a fan but she's getting the hang of it now. She won't even think about the Oatmeal Cereal but she didn't mind peaches or bananas.

Sitting up! She's getting strong and she can hold herself up much better now. She's learned to roll from her back to her stomach now too and we can't keep her on her back anymore. She loves to roll over the second you set her down.

She's getting so big and I love every second of it. I love her little giggles and her big smiles when she sees you in the morning.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Okay Fine... I'll Pickup the Weights

Lately I have had so much workout inspiration around me. I have a beautiful cousin that has worked her butt off and lost a bunch of weight. She's months away from entering a Figure Competition. I am proud and excited for her. She deserves this.

And then there's me... slogging around and eating crappy.

I keep pinning motivational pictures and workouts on Pinterest in hopes that once I get home at night I'll want to workout... but of course the time rolls around and I don't do it.

I really haven't cared much about working out or eating right, but I have noticed it has taken a major toll on my physical appearance as well as how I see myself mentally.

I really need to get motivated and kick myself into gear. So here is my declaration! I will start eating right and working out again and get in the best shape I ever have been. :)

I want to feel good about myself and most of all be healthy and set a good example for J. I don't want her growing up battling with issues of self-image. I want to teach her the right ways to stay healthy and fit and have a great self worth no matter what size or shape she is. The best way to do this is by being an example.

So I'll be pasting up a motivational picture on the fridge and telling myself that I can do it!

Oh and just because...

J being the cutest child ever.. as always.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weber State can kiss my tush...
I am not sure why I pay to torture myself.
I'm taking a math class that is leaning me close to driving off a cliff.

I'm down to the last little bit...
I have one quiz, one test, and then the final to take.

I went to take the quiz yesterday. I drove up there on my lunch break at work and just as I was getting out of the car remembered that my Driver's License, which you must have, was in the other car.


Drive back to work. I was going to take the test after work yesterday too, but no go. RJ had my License in West Jordan.

And my shoe broke while I was there!!!

Try Numero Dos:

Drive up during lunch with License and feeling good about it.

Take Quiz. 68.5%. You must have 70% to move on... Almost cry, but I held it together.

Get out to car... Parking Ticket.

Weber... you suck.

But we're still on for 5:30 tonight right?...

See you then. :)

I Guess You Could Call It Love

April = Busy.
Busy at work... busy at school... busy with baby... busy with emotions.
I am just realizing that I have to take life one day at a time to survive. I could probably sleep for a week straight if there were no interuptions and I cry almost everytime I fail a math quiz at school, but things are looking up.
It's really a catch, because on one hand I want Jocelyn to get growing up so we can do awesome things together and teach her new things. But on the other hand, I never want her out of this adorable baby phase where she'll cuddle with me and coo til her heart's content.
I am loving her at three months. She's getting so social and interactive and I love playing with her after work. She's just so happy with everything around her and I can't get enough of her smiles.
This being a mom business has been the easiest thing to transition to that I have ever had to do. Living and marrying RJ was pretty easy too, but I love being a mom to this little thing. Getting up in the middle of the night is hard. But she can't help when she's not tired or needs her diaper changed... so I can't get mad at her sweet little face. Even when I want to be.
She is soooo easy going. I think she gets that from her dad. She watches tv like nobody's business and will laugh and yell at the tv until everyone around cracks up laughing. She loves sleeping in RJ and I's bed in the morning. She'll wake up in her crib cooing and fussy and then you'll put her in bed with us and she'll snuggle up and she'll fall right back to sleep or crack a bunch of smiles and just lay there content.
I already can't imagine her moving out someday. I want her to stay in my arms forever. Hopefully her sassy attitude will change my mind when she's a teenager.
I love that I have such good support around me. My family has been so wonderful babysitting and loving her. I love being able to gush about her to all of them and they know how I feel. And Jocelyn loves them as much as they love her. She'll always give a big smile for them when she sees them.
I don't think anybody loves her as much as her dad does. He'll peek-a-boo with her for hours. If he ever thought he was a badass... he was wrong. His heart is goo when it comes to her.
Although he does ignore her screaming in the middle of the night.... He just waits until I can't take it any longer. :D
I never thought having a baby would be so good for me.
I have grown and learned many a lesson in the last three months that have changed my way of thinking and how I react to certain situations.
Like becoming a puddle of tears everytime a family based commercial or video plays... I'm still blaming the hormones. :)
I feel like the last few months have been hell, but also the best time of our lives. We have been through some really tough situations and endured a lot of days where we didn't want to feel or have any emotions at all. And I feel like it's just finally starting to look up. But J has made those hard days good. She's there cuddling with you, or watching you and I just can't help but feel good.
I feel lucky to call her and her 80 million dirty diapers a day all mine.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Random Observations

The last month or so has been a crazy whirlwind and in the beautiful mess I've made a few observations....

[1] I cannot handle multiple emotions at one time.... Who knew that I'd burst into a mental breakdown at the thought of RJ actually getting a job. I held it together while he didn't have a job, then I turned into a hot mess when he got one. Riddle me that one.

[2] Your abs are toast after you have a baby. What you once had is no longer... That goes for any muscle in your body. I feel like Gumby.

[3] It must be another Murphy's law, when you and your husband kiss, the baby will start screaming...

[4] Speaking of babies, mine is adorable. And I never want to be away from her again. I'll totally be the mom that goes to the mall with her kid not because it's safe but because I can't stand going ten minutes without her. I may change my mind when she's a sassy teenager though...

[5] Coffee is my right hand man... I would probably be face down in a snow pile about now without it. 

[6] Baby smiles and giggles are the best remedy for a bad day.

[7] Work isn't as rewarding after you have a baby... You go to work to pay the bills, but you'd rather be at home getting drooled or peed on and do absolutely nothing but hold her.

[8] Babies are not as fun as everyone says they are. They wake up in the middle of the night, A LOT!

[9] Fun Bugs Gummies should come in gallon sized baggies.

[10] The expression "It takes a village to raise a family" has never made more sense to me. I am astounded by how loving and amazing my family has been with offering to babysit without a second thought. I know my kid screams and poops a lot and I cannot thank my family enough for being there for RJ and I this year.

All in all I've learned a lot about myself since the beginning of this year. I've learned I'm emotionally weaker than I thought, but I'm also stronger than I thought. I've learned that when your husband loses his job both of you will try to be strong for the other. But in turn... that only makes you stop talking completely. I've learned a lot of mind over matter. Your baby is hungry no matter how tired you are and you have to get up. I've become stronger in that sense. Putting my own needs aside for someone I love. I've learned that you can love someone at first sight and it's an amazing feeling. I love everything about J. And I can't wait to grow up with her.

Honestly, I am excited for this next chapter in my life. It seems really challenging. I've got a lot on my plate and although I love being busy, it has been a struggle.

But I think I'll gain the most from this phase of my life. I think I'll learn the most therefore causing me to grow and become the sweetest memories.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Many Faces of J

I have become that person that only takes pictures of her baby... All day looooong. Mostly because I think she's adorable and hilarious. So here goes... the many faces of my spawn.
The "Why am I strapped into this carseat thingy?"

J is sleeping.... This is the face of her mother after getting two hours of sleep that night...

Giving her smirky smirk because she has pulled a fast one on us. She stayed up all night and still managed to get loves from dad.

Ready to crash a funeral.. slept through the entire thing by the way.

Went home on lunch and she was happy as a clam and smiling. I loved it! RJ is still mad that I managed to get this picture when he stays home with her all day and can never capture her smiling.

The little darling... I can't get enough of her cuddles.

Just chillin

The carseat does wonders to zonk her out for hours.

She takes after me... hates waking up.

Ahhh... I love holding her while she sleeps.

And last but not least... Tummy Time!
As you can tell... I may or may not love her to death.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Whole Lot of Moosh

In honor of Valentine's Day...
Even though he told me that he doesn't need cards or me to tell him I love him...
I am going to anyway.
Dear Mr. Nestman,
I'm not sure why I love you... what with you always saying all the wrong things and not letting me hog the bed at night.

I happen to love that you have taken the role of father like a duck to water. You are such a great dad to little J and coming home to the both of you everyday absolutely melts my heart. I know that the late nights suck and sometimes you wish you could tell her to calm the freak down... but I can see how much you already love her and you tell me frequently how much she means to you.
I love that.
I love that you haven't forgotten me through this whole having a baby thing. You are constantly giving me love and support and I really don't know what I would do without you. Even though the last month has probably been the best month and worst month of my entire life, you're always there to make me feel better and lift my spirits. Even when I know you would rather not be in the best of moods.
I am thankful I married such a wonderful guy. You're a wonderful friend and husband with so many great qualities. I love that you cook and clean like a housewife and you will almost always go running with me if I guilt you into it.
Happy Valentine's Day... I hope to spend the next 50 of them with you.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Remember that one time... That I had a Baby- Part 1

The last month has been a whirlwind and it has been crazy but I have loved every second of finally meeting Jocelyn. 

It feels so good to finally say her name and have a tiny face that looks up at me. My whole pregnancy I wondered what tiny person RJ and I had created. I wondered what she looked like, if she was actually a she, would she be healthy, would I be good at taking care of her..... 

The list went on and on, but nothing prepared me for the tiny thing that I finally met on January 12th at 3:45pm. But I really didn't get to meet her until 8pm that night... so I'll tell you the story. 

The last few weeks of being pregnant were really stressful. I was feeling like a Beluga Whale and quite grouchy. The company I work for was bought out by another company and I was in the midst of training a new person at my job and RJ had a big home show that he was working and his boss didn't particularly want him to leave to have a baby... so I kept telling myself I wouldn't have a baby just yet. 

Then RJ called me at work on the 8th and had me come out to meet him. I thought he sounded odd so I was a little nervous to meet him and for good reason I suppose. He told me that he had gotten laid off from his job. I knew his voice didn't sound right and I figured something was up, but I would have never imagined that in a million years. We talked for a few minutes and then when I got back into work I realized later on that day... I was even more ready to have a baby. Although the timing was terrible, at least I knew that we could have a baby and we could be home together. 

I went through the rest of that week eating my way through anything that came across my path and loafing around on the couch. I didn't have one ounce of nesting instinct... I think I was just too exhausted. 

Friday finally rolled around and RJ took me out to lunch. After I got back to work I started to feel a little weird. I had told RJ at lunch that I had been feeling a little off that day but I figured since my due date was the following Sunday that I was probably just pregnant and feeling blah. The time from lunch until I left dragged by and I started feeling really nauseous. I went home and RJ and I took it easy and by about 6pm I was having cramps and really light contractions. But the contractions hurt! They were about 15 minutes apart and RJ and I Googled false labor and labor and everything in between for a couple of hours trying to determine if it was the real thing. I didn't want to go to the hospital if nothing was actually going on. For the next couple hours I barfed up everything I tried to eat or drink. I'm pretty sure I took about 8 million baths and showers.

We finally went to bed around 12:30 and I slept for about half an hour. It was too painful to just lay in bed so I tossed and turned and tried watching a movie. Finally at 2am I got up and decided to go downstairs and time my contractions since they were getting closer together and bounce on my exercise ball in front of the fireplace. I did that for an hour and at 2 my contractions were about 8 minutes apart and by 3am they were down to 4 minutes apart and getting closer. They weren't as painful as the previous evening so I was nervous that I would go to the hospital for nothing, but since they were so close together I was nervous that I would have a baby in my bathtub... not my idea of an ideal birthing situation. 

I woke RJ up around 3:15 and pretty much bawled my eyes out. I told him my contractions were close together but not unbearably painful so I wasn't sure what to do. I think he knew that I'd never decide to go by myself so he said, well... let's just go. There's nothing to lose. We packed up a few things since I actually never really packed a hospital bag for myself and we headed out...

Into snow packed freezing roads. It was cold and we had to follow snowplows the entire drive that were going 45 mph which made the pregnant lady extremely happy... 

I was so nervous the entire drive that we would get to the hospital and they'd tell us that we had to go home. It was a long drive out the LDS hospital. 

Once we got there they got us all situated in a room and plugged me into the monitors. I was definitely in labor but when they checked to see how dilated I was... I was at a 1. 1!!!! I was so frustrated that I had been in labor all night and I was only dilated to a 1. The sweet nurse told me that she would come and check on me in an hour and see if I had progressed at all. And then we waited....

And when she came back an hour later... 
Still at a 1. 
But I had effaced a little bit so she called that progress and said I could stay one more hour. 
I could have kissed her. 

When she came back again I had only progressed slightly more but my contractions were now closer together and very consistent. With the weather and my contractions the nurse wasn't sure if she should send me home with some pain medication or let me stay and they could start me on Pitocin to help me dilate.

I think she saw a look in my eyes that said... PLEASE LADY!!! Don't make me go home!
So she called my doctor and told him what was going on and when she came back she said...
"Well it looks like your doctor would like you to stay, so you're having a baby today!"

I think this is when the whole pregnancy hit me. I finally realized that I was pregnant and that I was going to be a mom and that there was a baby inside my belly. I got scared!
All of these emotions came flooding in and I started to tear up a little bit.
In my mind I was ripping off the contraction monitor and running through the door with just my hospital gown, but really I smiled at the nurse and said, "Ok".

Then things started happening!
First things first.. I wanted an epideral.

My contractions hadn't been bad when I was rocking on my ball and pacing the floor, but once the nurse made me lie still in bed, they were painful and not so much fun. I was ready for the pain to be bearable.

The anesthesiologist wheeled in his cart and got to work. They made me sit sideways on the bed while he put it in. I was nervous that it would hurt so when he poked me with the tiniest needle to numb my back I jumped about 5 feet in the air so he had to poke me again. After that, it was painless and everything went smoothly.

My epideral was the weirdest feeling. I always felt like I could move my legs but then if I tried, no go. I think it was timed perfectly though because by the time I was ready to push I had no pain, but could move and feel my legs. It was perfect.

Once they got me situated they put in an IV and started the Pitocin.
They came in and broke my water.
And then we waited....

My parents got there and we chatted and waited and ate ice chips. I was so thirsty the entire time!
By this time I got pretty tired from being up all night and once the pain was gone I was able to get a few little naps in that helped a lot!

At around 1 pm I noticed a lot more pressure and called the nurse to have her check me.
I was finally dilated to an 8!

So we waited a little bit longer.
On one of the routine checks the nurse came in and checked my temperature and noticed that I had spiked a fever. They thought that it was odd since I hadn't had a fever any of the other times they checked during the day so they decided to run two antibotics through my IV before they delivered the baby since she it was likely that she would also be running a fever.

They came and hoooked me up to the antibiotics and then left us there to wait until I was fully dilated which took about an hour. We all made bets on when the baby would arrive and I told them the baby was coming at 3:30pm.

I was fully dilated but had to wait an hour or so to let the antibiotics run their course so I took a little power nap knowing that I would have to push soon.

And then the doctor showed up and said it was time to push!....

Sunday, January 6, 2013

39 Weeks

I am in full cleaning mode today... besides you know... blogging at the moment. :) I'm hoping to make my body at least think about going into labor. I don't even think it's thought about it yet.

RJ had to work all weekend so it has just been me, loafing around and not doing much of anything. I wanted to go for a walk but I was afraid that my water would break or something and I would be all alone.

So cross your fingers that something will happen this week because I reeeeeaaallly don't want to be induced. I don't know why and I will definitely do it if they think that it is the best but I really want to go into labor myself and see what that is all about.

We'll see... I don't really care at this point how she gets out... I'm just ready to meet her.

I've been thinking the last couple of weeks about how much I appreciate my life and how often I think that my life couldn't get any worse when in reality... I am pretty blessed.

RJ has been such an amazing person through this whole pregnancy. He asks just enough questions, he googles my odd symptoms late at night, and he doesn't complain when I fall asleep during a movie for the eight millionth time. I love that he cares about me and the baby and that he is excited about having this baby as much as I am.

I am also happy to have such a caring and generous family and job that allows me to be able to go to all of my appointments and be a grouch when I don't feel well. I cannot thank my family enough for all of the "little" things they have just picked up for us because they care. I love them so much and I think they're just as excited to meet the baby as RJ and I are. 

I'm just so excited to start this next chapter. So..... little J.... Let's get this show on the road. :D 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

38 Weeks!

Happy New Year Everyone! 
We spent New Years Eve sleeping and threatening death upon the neighbor's dog that wouldn't stop barking. We're quite the partiers. I'm already excited for NYE next year! Hopefully it'll make up for the duds we were this year. 
I have been feeling soooooo pregnant this week. I'm hoping she stays cuddled up in there just a little bit longer though. This week is crazy for RJ and I both at work and I just don't know what I would do if she came before Monday. I'll gladly accept her whenever she comes... but kid... next Monday would be better than this weekend. Just sayin.... ") 
How far along? 38 Weeks & 4 Days

Total weight gain: At my last appointment, which was last Wednesday I had gained one more lb. 
Maternity clothes? oh yes, and there is really only one pair of pants that I have the energy to squeeze into. And they're not the cutest pair of pants either. 
Stretch marks? 1 teensy tiny one.... I will cherish it forever... unless it invites it's friends before this is over. Then I shall be pissed.

Sleep: I swear that night time is the only time the kid wants to be active. So sleep... so long. 

Best moment this week: being able to nibble on all the holiday goodies and hide it with my big belly. I won't be able to do that for much longer. :) Also packing my and the baby's hospital bags... that got me pretty excited... and nervous.

Miss Anything? feeling the slightest bit attractive and wearing normal clothes, I miss the smaller, less puffy version of myself.

Movement: very active on her terms. She'll stay up all night and then snooze all day which gets me a little worried sometimes. But then night will come and she'll perk right up. 
Food cravings: sweets! I was hoping to avoid wanting sweets but... ce la vie. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything! Still throwing up quite a bit. Especially if I overeat. 

Gender: Girl! And I ordered the cutest little headbands that I hope will get here soon. :) 

Labor Signs: Lots of cramping and some stomach pain that I think are either Braxton Hicks or real contractions. I really have no idea at this point. 
Symptoms: lots of pain in my stomach from where her head moves around plus my fingers and toes get a little swollen and puffy at night. Let me tell you.... it's sexy. 

Belly Button in or out? out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but very tired most of the time. 
Looking forward to: D-Day! SO ready for her arrival!!!! :)