Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weber State can kiss my tush...
I am not sure why I pay to torture myself.
I'm taking a math class that is leaning me close to driving off a cliff.

I'm down to the last little bit...
I have one quiz, one test, and then the final to take.

I went to take the quiz yesterday. I drove up there on my lunch break at work and just as I was getting out of the car remembered that my Driver's License, which you must have, was in the other car.


Drive back to work. I was going to take the test after work yesterday too, but no go. RJ had my License in West Jordan.

And my shoe broke while I was there!!!

Try Numero Dos:

Drive up during lunch with License and feeling good about it.

Take Quiz. 68.5%. You must have 70% to move on... Almost cry, but I held it together.

Get out to car... Parking Ticket.

Weber... you suck.

But we're still on for 5:30 tonight right?...

See you then. :)