Thursday, April 18, 2013

Okay Fine... I'll Pickup the Weights

Lately I have had so much workout inspiration around me. I have a beautiful cousin that has worked her butt off and lost a bunch of weight. She's months away from entering a Figure Competition. I am proud and excited for her. She deserves this.

And then there's me... slogging around and eating crappy.

I keep pinning motivational pictures and workouts on Pinterest in hopes that once I get home at night I'll want to workout... but of course the time rolls around and I don't do it.

I really haven't cared much about working out or eating right, but I have noticed it has taken a major toll on my physical appearance as well as how I see myself mentally.

I really need to get motivated and kick myself into gear. So here is my declaration! I will start eating right and working out again and get in the best shape I ever have been. :)

I want to feel good about myself and most of all be healthy and set a good example for J. I don't want her growing up battling with issues of self-image. I want to teach her the right ways to stay healthy and fit and have a great self worth no matter what size or shape she is. The best way to do this is by being an example.

So I'll be pasting up a motivational picture on the fridge and telling myself that I can do it!

Oh and just because...

J being the cutest child ever.. as always.