RJ had to work all weekend so it has just been me, loafing around and not doing much of anything. I wanted to go for a walk but I was afraid that my water would break or something and I would be all alone.
So cross your fingers that something will happen this week because I reeeeeaaallly don't want to be induced. I don't know why and I will definitely do it if they think that it is the best but I really want to go into labor myself and see what that is all about.
We'll see... I don't really care at this point how she gets out... I'm just ready to meet her.
I've been thinking the last couple of weeks about how much I appreciate my life and how often I think that my life couldn't get any worse when in reality... I am pretty blessed.
RJ has been such an amazing person through this whole pregnancy. He asks just enough questions, he googles my odd symptoms late at night, and he doesn't complain when I fall asleep during a movie for the eight millionth time. I love that he cares about me and the baby and that he is excited about having this baby as much as I am.
I am also happy to have such a caring and generous family and job that allows me to be able to go to all of my appointments and be a grouch when I don't feel well. I cannot thank my family enough for all of the "little" things they have just picked up for us because they care. I love them so much and I think they're just as excited to meet the baby as RJ and I are.
I'm just so excited to start this next chapter. So..... little J.... Let's get this show on the road. :D
You look so cute! Good Luck with the labor part, its not all that fun, but I am sure you will do great! haha!
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