I have become that person that only takes pictures of her baby... All day looooong. Mostly because I think she's adorable and hilarious. So here goes... the many faces of my spawn.
The "Why am I strapped into this carseat thingy?"
J is sleeping.... This is the face of her mother after getting two hours of sleep that night...
Giving her smirky smirk because she has pulled a fast one on us. She stayed up all night and still managed to get loves from dad.
Ready to crash a funeral.. slept through the entire thing by the way.
Went home on lunch and she was happy as a clam and smiling. I loved it! RJ is still mad that I managed to get this picture when he stays home with her all day and can never capture her smiling.
The little darling... I can't get enough of her cuddles.
Just chillin
The carseat does wonders to zonk her out for hours.
She takes after me... hates waking up.
Ahhh... I love holding her while she sleeps.
And last but not least... Tummy Time!
As you can tell... I may or may not love her to death.
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