Thursday, October 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye

We didn't end up making it to California.

Instead we get to say one of the hardest goodbyes to an amazing person.

RJ's grandpa passed away yesterday leaving everyone behind a bit sad. I'm so thankful that now he is with his sweet wife, but the finality of death is never easy.

I didn't know him extremely well, but he always had a warm smile and a joke to tell even if it was just to make himself laugh. Which is my kind of person... I frequently laugh at my own jokes.

RJ lived with his grandpa for a lot of years and helped mold RJ into the person he is today. One part of his obituary stands out that shows just how much RJ is like him.

It says, "Lothar had a big heart and was never too busy to serve his fellow man. He practiced the gospel of Jesus Christ in his treatment of others and in all his actions."

RJ isn't a very religious or spiritual person but he is still a very kind and compassionate person when it comes to serving others. He'll come to a person's aid without any question or second thought. He's very giving and has such a huge heart for someone in need. Only 1 of the 5,975,311 reasons I love him.

So although we didn't make it to vacation, I feel like we get much more. We are going to be surrounded by family that we don't see often enough and we're going to be reminded of how much we love RJ's grandpa and why he was such a monumental person on this earth. 

Plus funeral potatoes... I love funeral potatoes. :)