November 1st is one of my favorite days.
November 1, 2007 to be exact.
November 1, 2007 to be exact.
I know it's not quite there yet, but I don't want it to go by without being noted.
On that day 5 years ago is the day that RJ and I pretty much became inseparable.
RJ was living in a house full of boys. Seven! It was seriously a party all the time. So it wasn't surprising that my sister got invited up to their house the night before, for a Halloween party.
I had met RJ before... Back when I was 16 and he came up to Idaho with my sister. I obviously was smitten then, but really just thought that he was "my sister's cute older friend".
So move back to Halloween, Alishia was going to hang out with them. I wasn't invited because I had much cooler things to do of course... (Driving around with my sister Kacee terrorizing Trick-or-Treaters... way cooler... yeah)
Anyway, Alishia had so much fun that night that RJ invited her up to the house for dinner the next night and luckily I tagged along.. Mostly to see this RJ kid I had met once before that I thought was cute.
Little did I know, tagging along was the best decision I ever made.
Back then I was painfully shy... seriously. Couldn't get three words out to an attractive person ever. EVER! It was so embarassing and awkward.
Back then I was painfully shy... seriously. Couldn't get three words out to an attractive person ever. EVER! It was so embarassing and awkward.
So I mostly listened and stood around like a big baffoon.
Not sure what RJ saw in me...
It was a really low key night. Nothing special. We watched a movie and cuddled. So high school of us. haha
I'm not sure why or how but that's the day that pretty much changed my life. From then on out I really couldn't get enough of this kid with curly hair and the best smile.
He was shy and unsure of himself, but on the other hand told me that I wouldn't ever find someone better than him and I believed him... I still do.
I really don't think that I could have found anyone better than him for me.
We compliment each other perfectly and I really can say that since that day he has been my best friend.
We've had fights.. BIG fight (That's a story for a whole other post!)
We've been through the hardest things that we've ever had to endure...
Like having your grandma die while you're on vacation with the girl that you only met a couple of months before.
Looking back, I wouldn't change one day from the last 5 years.
The guy that I thought I could never catch completely fell for me, and me for him.
It's so simple and romantic really.
He makes me happy.
Really what more could I ask for in life than happiness.
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