Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy

Yes, my title is a reference to Duck Dynasty. I do love that show.

This week I have been overly happy for some reason. Which has been a very good thing! I love feeling at peace with myself and with what I can't change.

I have tried really hard the last couple weeks to be outwardly happy. Just a happier person in general. I read that happiness is contagious and I am really tried to embrace that and help the people around me feel good by knowing me. I know that sometimes when you try to force happiness it doesn't come; so I haven't put a lot of pressure on myself. I have just tried to adjust my attitude to make life seem a little brighter.

And it has totally worked!

Here are some of the things I have done to help myself achieve more peace (because I love making lists):

- I have tried to spend at least 30 minutes every night just doing what Jocelyn wants to do. I never ignore J, but there are things at night that have to get done after work. Laundry, cooking, catching up on Instagram... you know, the important things. But I realized that the most important thing is raising my daughter so I have tried to be more active in what she's learning and discovering in life. I have also tried to include her in my laundry ventures and cooking dinner. Makes for a much slower process but I think ultimately in the end it will be very rewarding.

- I have decided that my happiness doesn't depend on if other people are happy. For example, RJ. He may be having a bad day but that doesn't mean that my day has to be bad. At first I felt a little selfish but it has made a world of difference and usually helps RJ's mood get better sooner. So the saying "misery loves company" is not allowed in our house.

- I have tried to envelope myself in the Christmas season. I'm trying to make smaller things a big deal, like Thanksgiving and Christmas and trying to celebrate little things that makes life more fun.

- I have had such a sense of gratitude lately. For a whole slew of things... that I have such a fun little family, that I have a car, that I can buy groceries. I think the cold weather has made me realize how much I have and how often I forget to remember to be thankful for all of those things.

- I have tried to surround myself with happy people and good attitudes. I love my coworkers and they are a good example to be happy no matter what and be chill about things that aren't important or that won't change. I spend a lot of time in my little office with my coworkers, they are great at listening to me vent but also having a good perspective on life. I am grateful for them. Plus there are a lot of laughs and that makes every work day better.

All in all, I think I'm just feeling okay with myself. I've come to terms with the things that can't change, but I'm also trying to better myself a little more everyday. I overthink just about every single thing in my life, so it's been nice to sit back and take life day by day and not try to look at the whole picture at once. Life is fluid and with every choice it changes, so I've tried to make the decisions that are the best for me and then be confident in what I choose. And then the days I choose to eat french fries for all three meals... I forgive myself for those days too.

Life is good; and meant to be lived in happiness.

Merry Christmas Everyone!