Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Whole Lot of Moosh

In honor of Valentine's Day...
Even though he told me that he doesn't need cards or me to tell him I love him...
I am going to anyway.
Dear Mr. Nestman,
I'm not sure why I love you... what with you always saying all the wrong things and not letting me hog the bed at night.

I happen to love that you have taken the role of father like a duck to water. You are such a great dad to little J and coming home to the both of you everyday absolutely melts my heart. I know that the late nights suck and sometimes you wish you could tell her to calm the freak down... but I can see how much you already love her and you tell me frequently how much she means to you.
I love that.
I love that you haven't forgotten me through this whole having a baby thing. You are constantly giving me love and support and I really don't know what I would do without you. Even though the last month has probably been the best month and worst month of my entire life, you're always there to make me feel better and lift my spirits. Even when I know you would rather not be in the best of moods.
I am thankful I married such a wonderful guy. You're a wonderful friend and husband with so many great qualities. I love that you cook and clean like a housewife and you will almost always go running with me if I guilt you into it.
Happy Valentine's Day... I hope to spend the next 50 of them with you.