Jocelyn loves going to the doctor, so when I asked her if she felt like she needed to go to the doctor her answer of course was, "Sure!" But then she followed that up with, "Doctor... right now!" Her wrist was swelling a little bit so we pulled into a parking lot and RJ got out and felt her wrist. He said that it didn't feel normal so we decided to head to InstaCare to have it checked out.
Of course once we got there all Jocelyn cared about was the fish tank. That kept her occupied while we waited for the doctor. They took her back and did an x-ray and sure enough, she buckled the larger bone in her upper wrist on her left hand. It missed her growth plate which was good and it wasn't broken all the way through which was another plus. They put a "Band-aid" (splint) on her arm and she was so good the whole time. She held really still and was happy to have her wrist supported and feeling better. She hadn't cried since she fell down the stairs, and she didn't complain about pain unless she put pressure on her wrist.
This was waiting to go back. She got tired of holding her own arm, so she asked me to do it. She definitely has a little dramatic side to her. As soon as we got the camera out she looked all sad and sorry for herself. Not to discount that she obviously wasn't feeling great, but she totally snuggled in and got serious for this picture.
She definitely doesn't feel sorry for herself for long. She didn't mind them putting on the "Band-aid" and 2.4 seconds after this picture was taken she threw the pillow on the floor and was done with it.
Telling me to feel how soft it was.
And then we were out of there. She didn't seem bothered by the splint or the shoulder strap. She kept telling us she wanted to go show "Aunt Tiss" her arm. Aunt Chris lives a few doors down from us and Jocelyn loves going over there. We hurried and text her to see if we could come say hi. We went over and Jocelyn visited and played with Uncle Rusty, completely unphased by the night's activities.
This morning Jocelyn went in for a hard cast to wear for the next 4 weeks. She made sure the doctor knew she wanted "blue, not purple!". She sure knows what she likes. The cast must be kind of awkward and bulky because this was the only thing she would do with her arm.
I'm so happy that although she broke her arm, it could have been much worse and we were able to go right in and get it taken care of. She was a champ the entire time and I love that she makes all the doctors and nurses love her. She has such strong opinions and she doesn't mind vocalizing them. She was happy to take a bath in the sink on Monday and get sprayed down last night in the tub with a bag over her arm after she had a potty training poop disaster incident.
I may be a little biased but I certainly think she's the cutest little thing in the whole world.
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