The last month or so has been a crazy whirlwind and in the beautiful mess I've made a few observations....
[1] I cannot handle multiple emotions at one time.... Who knew that I'd burst into a mental breakdown at the thought of RJ actually getting a job. I held it together while he didn't have a job, then I turned into a hot mess when he got one. Riddle me that one.
[2] Your abs are toast after you have a baby. What you once had is no longer... That goes for any muscle in your body. I feel like Gumby.
[3] It must be another Murphy's law, when you and your husband kiss, the baby will start screaming...
[4] Speaking of babies, mine is adorable. And I never want to be away from her again. I'll totally be the mom that goes to the mall with her kid not because it's safe but because I can't stand going ten minutes without her. I may change my mind when she's a sassy teenager though...
[5] Coffee is my right hand man... I would probably be face down in a snow pile about now without it.
[6] Baby smiles and giggles are the best remedy for a bad day.
[7] Work isn't as rewarding after you have a baby... You go to work to pay the bills, but you'd rather be at home getting drooled or peed on and do absolutely nothing but hold her.
[8] Babies are not as fun as everyone says they are. They wake up in the middle of the night, A LOT!
[9] Fun Bugs Gummies should come in gallon sized baggies.
[10] The expression "It takes a village to raise a family" has never made more sense to me. I am astounded by how loving and amazing my family has been with offering to babysit without a second thought. I know my kid screams and poops a lot and I cannot thank my family enough for being there for RJ and I this year.
All in all I've learned a lot about myself since the beginning of this year. I've learned I'm emotionally weaker than I thought, but I'm also stronger than I thought. I've learned that when your husband loses his job both of you will try to be strong for the other. But in turn... that only makes you stop talking completely. I've learned a lot of mind over matter. Your baby is hungry no matter how tired you are and you have to get up. I've become stronger in that sense. Putting my own needs aside for someone I love. I've learned that you can love someone at first sight and it's an amazing feeling. I love everything about J. And I can't wait to grow up with her.
Honestly, I am excited for this next chapter in my life. It seems really challenging. I've got a lot on my plate and although I love being busy, it has been a struggle.
But I think I'll gain the most from this phase of my life. I think I'll learn the most therefore causing me to grow and become the sweetest memories.

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