Twenty Six weeks and going good. I can't complain at all.
Well except that I am ready for her to be here! I don't really like all this waiting business.
The last month has been so crazy busy and I only anticipate it getting busier so hopefully time will fly by and it will be January before I know it.
My little sister Lindsey decided to go on a mission so it seems like yesterday that she put in her papers and she was called the the Manchester, New Hampshire mission. I am so sad to see her go, but can't wait for her to get to experience new things and to grow so much as an independent person. The only problem is... I depend on her too much to leave. I seriously can't live without her so I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. Send her letters every single day... perhaps. And new shoes. My goal is to send her enough clothes that she won't know how to get them all home.
This was last Christmas- She's seriously amazing. I can't wait for her to go and get it over with so that she can come home and live with me! (She's not aware of this plan yet)
She's the best to sit around all day and talk and read books with. Which is what we did the majority of high school. :)
She leaves November 7th so I've been dress shopping up a storm. Because that's how I show my affection... I buy clothes and shoes and scarves. haha.
This last Saturday we had a baby shower for my sister-in-law Nicole and had so much fun. We had it at our house and decorated Jungle Themed. I'll have to put up more pictures later.
Here is a picture of the banner I made...
It's kind of dark. I took it at 2 in the morning when I finally finished it and finished decorating and cleaning everywhere else.
Grandma watching Schnitzel while we got everything ready.
Alishia trying to add all the stuffed animals to the cart. They all were super cute!
This is her a couple of weeks ago... She is adorable!
After the baby shower we went to the zoo to celebrate my mom's birthday. We used to go a lot as little kids as a family so my mom wanted to do that again. We took my grandma and had a great time! My grandma loved all the animals.
This prairie dog just sat and stared at grandma. It was hilarious.
This was while we were watching the polar bear.
I had another appointment yesterday and it was the Glucose Screening test so I got to drink this little treat an hour before the appointment. The taste wasn't terrible, it tasted like Kool-Aid without enough water added. It did make me feel like I ate 15 candy bars though. Not my favorite.
The test went well and I passed, so I don't have to live off of rice for the rest of my pregnancy. They did find out that I am anemic so I need to take iron for the rest of the time the kid cooks so that I recover quicker after she comes.
I love my doctor. He always makes me feel so good and so much better about all of my worries. I'll be sad when I don't get to visit him all the time! He informed me yesterday though, I only have one more monthly appointment and then I have to go every two weeks! Yikes, that means we're getting closer. Which I'm excited for... but pretty nervous too.
The only other thing I have done is go hiking a few times. I took this the other day up Mueller Park. It was Saturday morning and RJ had to work so I thought I'd head up with my camera and take some pictures of the leaves. They hadn't changed too much yet, so I'm planning on going again.
When I'm not going to get run over by every mountain biker in Northern Utah trying to squeeze in a few more rides before it snows. :)
Onto my pregger stats... You can pass these up, I just like them so I remember what was going on.
How Far Along?
26 Weeks-
When they've measured my belly the last two appointments it has been consistently 1 week behind though... Maybe she'll come a week later than expected. Who knows?!
Total Weight Gain?
16.6 lbs.
I feel like a stuffed turkey.. although my doctor assures me that gaining weight is a good thing.
Maternity Clothes?
Still just maternity shirts. If I try to fit into regular shirts... Well it's just a major disappointment.
Stretch Marks?
Nope, the Dr even tried to scout some yesterday. Nada.
Nope, the Dr even tried to scout some yesterday. Nada.
Poohey... I even slept on the couch for most of the night last night hoping for relief. What I got was a worse backache than normal. Should have listened to RJ.
Best Moment This Week?
Nicole's baby shower because it made me so excited for mine and for my baby to get here. She's so close and I know it'll just make me want Baby J here even faster.
Miss Anything?
Bending down to pick things up without sounding like an old man. haha
All the time! I love that she just wiggles and squirms all day long. If I'm not moving she is. Her kicks and jabs are so crazy it makes me think there's a little dance party going on in there.
Food Cravings?
Nothing crazy... I have had two Pumpkin Pie shakes from Arctic Circle since they brought them out though... I guess you consider that a craving but I crave those every fall so... whose to say.
Anything make you sick or queasy?
Smells have gotten bad again. Really anything too strong makes me run away.
GIRL! Although I've had two dreams now that it's a boy.
Seriously mind... don't make me confuse myself.
Labor Signs?
No, and I am scared to death of those so let's keep them at bay for a looong while.
No, and I am scared to death of those so let's keep them at bay for a looong while.
Pretty much a backache all the time. I have had headaches and dizziness but I found out that's from low Iron. Hopefully now that I'm taking an Iron supplement those will go away.
Belly Button in or Out?
It's definitely on it's way to being OUT! The doctor said yesterday my belly button is like a turkey timer and it would pop out just in time for Thanksgiving... Thanks Sir... for making me feel as unattractive as possible. haha.
Wedding Rings on or Off?
ON! I finally got it back from being fixed. I was a little nervous that my fingers have gotten bigger while it was gone but they haven't! Still good and loose as ever.
Happy or Moody most of the time?
I would say overall happy. I can't really complain about much even though the last couple months have been crazy with both of our cars having trouble and paying bills and all that stupid adult stuff. Overall, I still feel very happy with what I have and how lucky I am to have RJ and my sweet little jelly bean inside me.
Looking forward to:
Shopping for more baby clothes and doing more on the nursery!
I also signed up for a class at the hospital that I'm sure will be totally boring... but I am stoked!
On a last side note, it was my mamma's birthday yesterday and I just wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday. I don't know what I would do without her. She is so inspirational to me. She is so giving and loving to everyone, even when she struggles. She's always there to anyone in need and always willing to slap a smile on her face and make someone else's day better.
She is so fun to be around and I love her funny personality and sense of humor. I definitely get all my weirdness from her... No... not true. My dad is a weirdie too. They go well together and I love that we have gotten to spend so much time together this year. I can't wait for the baby to get her because I know she'll have the best grandma that any girl could ask for.
Happy Birthday Mom!
This should answer all of your questions... This is my mom and dad running the Dirty Dash a few weeks back. I wasn't invited being knocked up and all but they had a great time!
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