Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Does This Make Me Look Fat?

I am tired today. And I'm not a morning person. I love the morning, but I cannot ever find the strength to drag myself out of bed each day.
Sadly, I'm not a night owl either. So I'm pretty much the dud in the middle.

Anyway.. last night RJ and I are watching the Bachelor. We're making fun and trying to say what they're going to say before they say it. Laughing like crazies.
But we're watching the After the Final Rose ceremony and we're sitting there watching and I'm listening to Emily talk about her relationship with Brad and how hard it is to be away and watch the show.
I don't discount that she has a hard time watching it. I would have a hard time watching him be with other people. But hello.. you're the one with that HUGE ring on your finger and Brad looking lovingly into your eyes at that very second. He obviously wants you.
It kind of opened my eyes. You can see that she has a lot of self doubt and she's insecure.
I am an insecure person. I have the hardest time finding value in myself and what I contribute to the world. I have a hard time seeing my differences as good.
But I try to keep my feelings and emotions in check. I know that they're silly and petty and that there are things in life that matter way more than having all the right clothes and perfect hair.
I notice that when I am feeling down about myself and picking at myself it hurts my relationship with RJ.
And I know I am no expert but I think that Brad and Emily would be easing into this transition easier if she has more confidence in herself and their relationship.
It's comfortable to feel insecure if you've always been that way. It's easier to feel that way than to take the chance and have confidence and speak up more.
But everyone deserves to feel like they have a place in the world and they have a place in their own lives.
Feel good about yourself. It's all about your attitude and your perspective.
Respect yourself enough to know that we're all here for a reason and we're all created differently for a reason. No one person is alike. And that girl or guy that you think has it all, is probably wishing she could change something about themselves too.
That person that you think is out of your league might just be in love with you.