Happy New Year Everyone!
We spent New Years Eve sleeping and threatening death upon the neighbor's dog that wouldn't stop barking. We're quite the partiers. I'm already excited for NYE next year! Hopefully it'll make up for the duds we were this year.
I have been feeling soooooo pregnant this week. I'm hoping she stays cuddled up in there just a little bit longer though. This week is crazy for RJ and I both at work and I just don't know what I would do if she came before Monday. I'll gladly accept her whenever she comes... but kid... next Monday would be better than this weekend. Just sayin.... ")
How far along? 38 Weeks & 4 Days
Maternity clothes? oh yes, and there is really only one pair of pants that I have the energy to squeeze into. And they're not the cutest pair of pants either.
Stretch marks? 1 teensy tiny one.... I will cherish it forever... unless it invites it's friends before this is over. Then I shall be pissed.
Sleep: I swear that night time is the only time the kid wants to be active. So sleep... so long.
Best moment this week: being able to nibble on all the holiday goodies and hide it with my big belly. I won't be able to do that for much longer. :) Also packing my and the baby's hospital bags... that got me pretty excited... and nervous.
Miss Anything? feeling the slightest bit attractive and wearing normal clothes, I miss the smaller, less puffy version of myself.
Movement: very active on her terms. She'll stay up all night and then snooze all day which gets me a little worried sometimes. But then night will come and she'll perk right up.
Food cravings: sweets! I was hoping to avoid wanting sweets but... ce la vie.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything! Still throwing up quite a bit. Especially if I overeat.
Gender: Girl! And I ordered the cutest little headbands that I hope will get here soon. :)
Labor Signs: Lots of cramping and some stomach pain that I think are either Braxton Hicks or real contractions. I really have no idea at this point.
Symptoms: lots of pain in my stomach from where her head moves around plus my fingers and toes get a little swollen and puffy at night. Let me tell you.... it's sexy.
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but very tired most of the time.
Looking forward to: D-Day! SO ready for her arrival!!!! :)
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