Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday Ramblings...

So.. Valentine's Day was fun. RJ and I played it low key and we made homemade Rumbi Teriyaki Chicken Bowls for dinner and watched the Bachelor. [Really... RJ made dinner and I oohed and awwed from the living room]. I totally wish he would have sent Chantal home instead of Michelle. I know Michelle is nuts, but I think Chantal is waaaay too emotional and dramatic for me. We had a good night and we both agree that we're still happy that we got married. :]

Which I know, I'm a nerd.. but we have been married for 10 months on Tuesday. TEN. I know, in reality that is nothing compared to the 60 years I want to spend with him, but the time has flown by. Definitely the best 10 months in our relationship. I can't wait for our first anniversary. Which, incidentally falls on Easter weekend, which incidentally,we always spend Easter Camping with my family. I can't decide whether or not to opt out of that yet. Maybe we'll just go down a little bit later.
One year since this day :]

Speaking of Easter and traditions I am so excited for it to be warm and to be spending more time with my family this year. When my parents were divorced there was always a cloud over holidays that was always in the back of your mind reminding you that one member of your family was missing. Now, since they're remarried the cloud has disspated and we can spend the holidays together. Yes, there may have been some crazy, bad, good, awkward, unreasonable years in between, but I'm glad my parents are together and happy.

[ 3 year ago and 2 years on Easter.. See what I'm talking about.. no mom. And yes, RJ was taking the picture in 2008. We've been together for decades practically]

RJ and I are planning a trip to Whistler, BC in the fall this year. It's where they just held the last winter Olympics. Apparently, when it is not covered with snow for 3/4ths of the year, it is prime mountain biking country and we are excited to go. We went to Vancouver for our honeymoon last year and we're excited to drive [yes you read that right] drive up there again. Vancouver was amazing, but I'm more of a country girl and Whistler is just the place. Plus it's BEAUTIFUL.
GORGEOUS! We may or may not go skinny dipping in that lake. ;]

Still gorgeous..

Mountain biking. Look at the scenery. I can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else.
I'm excited. Now we just need to start saving our pennies. :]