Yesterday at work I was thinking of ways to get motivated and stay motivated to work out and to get into shape for summer.
I live just around the corner from the Bountiful Rec Center so I decided to look up classes there.
I found a Step class that I could take on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
I'm usually one to chicken out or be too shy to do something like this, but I took a step class in my first [and only] semester of college and it was my favorite class and it helped me lose 10 pounds.
So... I mustered up the courage and I went.
I was still shy and scared to go alone, but I knew that I would enjoy it once I was there.
And maybe it just bothers me but it's not like at Gold's Gym, where all the boys come to "lift weights" but really they're just checking out the girls taking classes.
It kicked my butt! After 30 minutes I realized that I've really got to step up my game, and I was only half way through the class!
It was a lot of fun and everyone was welcoming and nice and there was a good mix of old and young ladies there with all skill levels.
So, then after the class ends she informs everyone that she is teaching a Core Fusion class after and to stick around if you wanted to. I figured I'd stay and see what it was all about.
It burned, my whole body shook, I was in positions that I never thought possible.
But it worked.
I also loved that class.
I loved that she pushed us to the limit and that I worked out harder than I have in a long time.
I grew up involved in organized sports my whole life.
Dancing, Gymnastics, Track..
Someone was always pushing me to do better and to make sure I was living up to my potential.
I think I've lost sight of that a little bit.
It has been hard for me to push myself on the treadmill to go further when I haven't seen any results.
Walking into the rec center brought back so many memories.
Chalk, sweat, movement.
I was home.
I think it may become a regular occurance.
So watch out, I don't like to workout alone, so I may enlist you to come with me. :)
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