Friday, November 26, 2010


I know Thanksgiving was yesterday, but I didn't get to say how thankful I am for all the people in my life.

RJ - I am forever grateful to him for always being there for me and being such a great guy. He really is one of a kind and I'm glad that he's mine. I'm thankful that he's such a hard worker and willing to put in the time to make our marriage good. He tries his hardest at everything he does and I really admire that in him.

My family and my parents - Yes I realize that my parents are my family but I am extra grateful to them for always being there for us and for giving us advice and support and loving us through it all. I am grateful that they made my wedding so perfect and that I can go to them anytime for advice or for someone to listen to me rant. I am also very grateful for my brother and sisters. They are always making me laugh and making me feel better when I have a bad day. They show how much they care for me and they love me regardless of how different we are or how far away they live.

I am especially grateful for my new family, RJ's family. They have welcomed me into their little family and given me so much already. They are always there making sure that we're well fed or doing what is right. They are making sure that we are having a good day and they really care about us and how we're doing. I have come to love them so much and I feel like they've been part of my family forever. I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

My grandparents - They are leading examples in my life and they are so caring and loving to me even though they have their own lives to lead. They are always showing concern and love for RJ and I.

It is really great to have so many people that care for you and are watching out for you.

I'm also grateful that I have a good job and that we were able to buy a house and do so many of the things that we've always wanted to do. It's been such a great year and I can't believe it's almost over. I hope next year is as good as this year because I have been very blessed.