RJ fell asleep watching TV and now he is out like a light.
I'm not even the least bit tired.
So what am I going to do for the next hour or so...
I've already cleaned.
I made cookies for tomorrow's dinner.
I have looked at every nook and cranny of Facebook.
I could work out. But that would probably wake RJ up.
I could bath the dog.
I could read a book that I've been meaning to finish.
But instead I'm here. Blogging away. Bored.
Not being the least bit productive.
Today had me thinking of memories. Not purposely, I have categorized my life as before I got married and now that I am married.
I have had a hard time trying to mesh the two. For some reason at first I felt like all those other memories were gone and that I wouldn't be able to do the things I did before I was married. Like now I have to be an adult and I can't have any fun.
Today I was sitting on the porch and soaking in the sun and realized that I can have both.
I associate memories with smells.
And today smelled like Spring and riding my bike and jumping on the trampoline. All of the things that I did when I was younger.
It felt good to remember those things and feel content.
But I realized even more that I am making new memories now. Ones that are going to last a lifetime and the best part is that I have someone great to share them with. When I can't remember the exact details in 30 years, RJ will remember what I don't. And it's okay to have fun and create new memories that I will love just as much as the ones that I have of when I was a kid.
Maybe it's because I'm still a 'newlywed' but I feel so lucky to have RJ and to me it doesn't feel like my feelings will wear out with time.
Maybe it's because I'm still a 'newlywed' but I feel so lucky to have RJ and to me it doesn't feel like my feelings will wear out with time.
I guess we'll see. :]
How do you go from this...
to this...
I guess it's just the way it goes. :]
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