I saw this on a couple of blogs and it looked like fun. :) So here goes...
What is his name?
Ronald Jeremy Nestman
How long have you been together?
Since November 2007
(Our first picture together)
How long did you date?
We dated for 18 months and then were engaged for nine months so
a grand total of 2 years and 3 months.
(The day we called it "official")

How old is he?
Who eats more?
It's sad but we can actually eat the same amount... He has a small
appetite for being a guy. But he sneaks in midnight snacks while I'm sleeping. Usually it is Bunny Tracks Ice Cream. :)
Who said I love you first?
It was him, but I'd been dying for him to tell me for a couple of months.
Who's Taller?
He is by about 4 inches. But if I'm wearing shoes especially heels we can be pretty even.
Who can sing better?
I sing a lot more, but I don't know about better. RJ only sings when he things no one is listening. It's my life's goal to get him to sing me a song. :)
(We always sing to James Blunt)
Who is smarter?
I think it depends... I am more book smart in some areas; like history and English; but he has way more common sense and street smarts. And he's also really smart with cars and he reads people really well. He can gauge a persons feelings before they even talk. But I can totally school him in putting in anything electrical. I think it pays off to be an Electrician's daughter.

Who does the laundry?
He washes the clothes, I fold the clothes. Or they get left on the floor until we've used them all... either way. :)
Who pays the bills?
I do, with input once in a while. I don't think he could tell you how much we have in our checking accounts though, or how much we owe on our loans.
Who sleeps on the right side?
Me, but when he gets out of bed in the morning. I roll over and sleep on his pillow. It is warm and smells like him. :)

Who mows the lawn?
I do most of the time. It gets dark before RJ gets home at night. Sometimes we take turns. I do the back, he does the front, or vise versa. I like mowing the lawn so I always do it before he gets to it.
Who cooks dinner?
It's split in the middle. We each pull our own weight in the kitchen. We generally make dinner together.

Who drives?
It depends. Most of the time him, but if I feel like it then I do. It depends on what vehicle we're in also. I drive when we're in the car a lot.
(I want a convertible)
Who is more stubborn?
haha. RJ and I are both extremely stubborn people and with opposite personalities it shows a lot. But we respect each other's opinions and we generally agree to disagree.

Who kissed who first?
It was a mutual thing. I think we both went in at the same time.
Who asked who out first?
RJ took me to Ikea when it first opened. :)
Who proposed?
He did, with much convincing him that I wouldn't tear his heart out later on down the road.
Who has more friends?
He probably does, he's a lot more social than I am and he likes to have get togethers. I would rather stay at home and be with just him. We hang out with my family/friends more often though.
Who is more sensitive?
He'll deny it, but I am. He is a boy and his attitude is, "Rub some dirt on it". haha. But he does have sensitive moments.

Who has more siblings?
me by 1.
Who wears the pants?
I really think that it's pretty even. If it's something that either of us are certain about or want really bad, then we usually just do what the other wants because there is no changing our minds once it's made up. I think that I'm more demanding, but he also likes things his way.
All in all, I'd say I'm a pretty lucky girl to have him. :)
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