Monday, February 7, 2011

Great Weekends

The last couple of weekends have been really fun. Some of my family has come up and had breakfast on Sunday morning with us.

Two Sundays ago Kacee and Astorea, and Alishia came up and we made breakfast and then we went on a bike ride down to the little lake by our house and fed the ducks. The lake was pretty much frozen over and the ducks seemed too cold to even want to move let alone eat, but we got a few of them to come off of their island and eat some kitty food.

Then yesterday my sisters Alishia and Kacee, Astorea and my brother Lance and his girlfriend Tristan came up and we had breakfast again and then we went to the park by our house and played a little bit of baseball. Lance and Kacee are really the only good ones so we mostly just pitched the ball to each other and ran around like crazies.

This was us on the swings -- ha. I haven't been on a swing in a long time.

This is Lance, Kacee, and Astorea riding RJ's tiny little BMX bike. This was a workout all in itself I think.

We had a really good time. It was a nice day yesterday and it felt so good to get out and enjoy the fresh air especially since I have felt so cooped up this winter. I love spending time with my brother and sisters. They are my best friends and I don't know what I would do without them. I wish that I saw my parents and my youngest sister more, but since they're in Idaho it's a little less often. We still have just as good of a time when we're together though.

I love having sisters to look up to and to get advice from. We are all pretty different, but that is what makes it fun. We all bring something different to the table and it's fun to get everyone's opinion on something because we hardly ever agree.

I love all of my family so much and I'm grateful to have them as mine. They are my favorite people in the whole world --

apart from this guy. :)

Still pretty much can't get enough of him.