Thursday, August 9, 2012

The 17th Week

How far along?
17 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss:
 As of yesterday, up 2 pounds.

Maternity clothes?
 Not yet, just wearing looser shirts and using a rubber band on some of my tighter pants.

Stretch marks?
 No- And great news! At my doctor's appointment yesterday he said if I hadn't already gotten them on my ladies (you know what I'm talking about :D), then chances are that I probably would get minimal to none on my belly. This may not be the actual case, but I was willing to take any and all hope that he gave me.

 Sleeping like a rock.

Best moment this week:
Hearing the baby's heartbeat and learning that we get to find out what it is next Tuesday!

Miss Anything?
I'm feeling pretty content this week, can't complain.

None that I've recognized yet. :(

Food cravings:
 I have had salad for the last 4 days for lunch and dinner. And I'm still not sick of it. If that's not a craving, I don't know what is.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
The nausea has been pretty low key this week-- nothing crazy to report.

Have you started to show yet:
I think I am, but really it just looks like I've got a spare tire around my waist. It's very cute let me tell you.

We'll know Tuesday! The doctor told us that he could try to predict by what it's heartbeat was yesterday but he said it was smack dab in the middle. He wasn't going to try to guess.
I think this is what I get for not wanting to find out in the first place.

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or Moody most of the time:

Looking forward to:
Feeling the baby move and find out what it is!

We picked up a crib yesterday from KSL for 80 bucks. Score!


Hayley and Zachary said...

Major score on the crib. And I love your mini belly! So cute :)