Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Sorry folks- I skipped week 18. They all mesh together anyway and my belly has not significantly grown this week so let's just go with it. Okay???? Okay.

Onto week 19...

Picture will come tonight :) Because I'm such a responsible phone owner the camera on my phone got a big scratch on the top so it takes less than ideal pictures now... so RJ will have to take it with his phone.

How far along?
 19.5 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss:
Up about 7 I think...

Maternity clothes?
Nope. On the days I feel the fattest I wear a dress and leggings. But today I completely buttoned up my jeans without any complaint. I'm waiting impatiently to actually look pregnant.

Stretch marks?
None so far! Booyah.

Pillows have become my new best friend. I don't sleep bad but I'm always nervous because sometimes I wake up on my back and apparently you're not supposed to do that. Well please tell my sleeping body that.

Best moment this week:
realizing that I am almost halfway there!

Miss Anything?
Not feeling like a stuffed turkey.

I still haven't been feeling much and it is making me so crazy. My doctor said not to worry at all, but I am seriously ready for some serious ninja moves in there. I think it would give me an added sense of peace knowing that the kid is happily bouncing around in there.

Food cravings:
SALAD SALAD SALAD... and fruit... and I caved and had french fries the other day... They were dangerously delicious.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
 The kitchen pantry still gives me the willies... I promise it's clean in there! I think it's just smell overload in a confined space.

Have you started to show yet:
I can definitely tell, but I haven't been asked by any strangers so I'm going with, youjustlooksortofchubby.

Oh did I forget to mention... IT'S A GIRL!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy with the occasional breakdown in Walmart because RJ didn't like something I did....
Irrational much?

Looking forward to:
All the tea parties that are happening at our house in the next couple of years!