I'm halfway there!
This weekend we went up to Idaho to support my little brother and we had a big luncheon with my family and my sister-n-law's family. She is 5 weeks ahead of me and looking so darn cute.
I swear on Saturday night I grew an inch in the belly region. It is so weird how it grows almost overnight.
Baby J doesn't love car rides though. My hips get really stiff and my legs start to cramp up. The 2 1/2 hour drive felt like 50 on the way up there. It could be because I wasn't speaking to RJ though... I'm blaming the pregnancy hormones.
I'm am having so much heartburn (literally) over being halfway there. In one way I'm so excited to finally get to meet the kid that is swimming so happily in my belly, but on the other hand I really like being pregnant. It's weird to say, but it's like a little ball of happiness that you keep with you all the time. I never feel alone and I feel like I always have that constant reminder that we have so much waiting for us next year. It just feels right and I love the feeling.
Anyway... onto the fun stuff....
How far along?
20 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
7lbs at my last appointment, but I'm sure it's more by now.
Maternity Clothes:
My sister bought me 3 adorable shirts that I look forward to wearing. I wore one on Saturday... a little big, a little not... makes me nervous that I'm looking more stuffed everyday. :)
Stretch marks?
Nope, but my belly does itch once in a while. It feels so good to rub lotion on it at night.
Getting it and loving it! I do get pretty stiff, but it hasn't been too bad lately.
Miss Anything:
I would love to get my hair done & some people have said now that I'm pretty far I should be able to highlight my hair, but I just haven't gotten brave enough yet.
Movement: No... touchy subject. Still waiting....
Dr. still assures me it's normal.
Food cravings:
Definitely more sweets now, but they give me heartburn so I try to stay away.
Home cooked food just sounds really good. I think because it's more filling and I ALWAYS feel hungry.
Anything make you queasy or sick?
I have been awesome this week. So awesome that I feel a little guilty that I haven't done physical exercise in waaay too long. Might bust out of the funk and go to the Rec center and lift weights and do the Eliptical machine. Swimming sounds awesome right now too.
Have you started to show yet?
I got my first stranger asking me if I'm pregnant or fat this week so.... I'm going with yes. :D
That makes me happy.
Gender: GIRL
Tight hips when I sit/stand too long
Heartburn, I feel like a fire breathing dragon
and definitely more tired this week than I have been.
Looking forward to:
The next 20 weeks and waddling into school at night with my big belly...
also excited to start feeling the baby move. :)
Happy or moody:
I would say I've been quite happy. I think I'm in a baby happy bubble at the moment.
You are probably one of the happiest pregnant ladies I have ever known. Seriously, you work and go to school all with a smile on your face. It shows me that when I EVENTUALLY choose to have a child, that you can do so with a big smile on your face. Love you Charise :)
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