Monday, September 3, 2012

Numero 21..O

Crazy to think about but I am on the downward slope. 
Only 19 weeks left!
(so long as the kid cooperates and comes when anticipated)

I've been filling my time eating super healthy and exercising like a monster...


All lies. 

This is what my time is filled with- 

Naps. And lots of em. 
I can't seem to keep my eyes open for more than a couple of hours when I'm at home. I try to push it a little longer while I'm at work. :) 

I occasionally fill my time with this- 

Because he's cute... and I like him. And he doesn't complain about my naps. 
Aw... he is cute. 

This week I have definitely felt the effects of being pregnant. I feel like a 90 year old woman most of the time and the rest of the time I feel like an emotional 12 year old girl. Not really my idea of fun, buuuuuttt, you take it as it comes. 

 How far along?
 21 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 
7+ pounds probably. 
I refuse to use the scale I have at home and I won't know for sure until my doctor's appointment next week. 
I'm actually embracing just growing a kid and it's going well. :) 

Maternity clothes?
A couple of shirts, still wearing the same jeans. 

Stretch marks? 

Been sleeping like a log!

Best moment this week:
feeling the baby move!!!!

Miss Anything?
Mountain Biking & Running

I can finally say yes to this question! I have started to feel a pattern during the day when she is moving around and then at night before bed I always put pressure on my stomach and feel for a couple good movements and then I can sleep happily. :)
It's kind of the best feeling in the world. 

Food cravings:
Food in general sounds good. Fruit still sounds so good.
Pickles sounded pretty awesome yesterday too but we don't really keep those on hand so... I did without. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Nothing really much this week!

Have you started to show yet: 
Yes, but I get mixed responses. My mom swears to me that I don't look one day pregnant...
I wonder what she thinks the pooch like belly is then. :) 

(Happy Dance)

Sitting for prolonged periods of time makes me stiffen up like rigor-mortise is setting in. 
Back pain
Oh and did I mention fire-breathing heartburn? Yeah... still have that. 

Belly Button in or out?
In it is. 

Wedding rings on or off?
Well currently off, but not because of sausage fingers. One of the diamonds was coming loose so we had to take it in the be fixed. It will be a long couple of weeks. 

Happy or Moody most of the time:
I want to say happy, but this week... mostly emotional. I blame that it's a girl and there's twice as much emotional-ness balled up in there. 

Looking forward to: 
All the holidays are just around the corner and I can't wait for all the fun things we have planned.