Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Crazy Things I Do...

The crazy things I do for my family.
~I drove 15 hours round trip to go to a high school football game in Council, Idaho.
~I drove all the way to Oregon to buy a coat for the game. =]
~I almost died driving on the 'open range' to get to my dad's house. Seriously.
~I slept on the floor.
~I waved a blue washcloth around like an idiot to show school spirit. haha.
~It was raining.
But despite all that hard sacrifice. [not really, but I'm being dramatic :)] I had a great time.
I talked my dad's ear off the entire drive. I think they welcomed it when I fell asleep on the way home. I loved watching my brother play. He's incredible.
They won the game, so now they have one more game to determine who goes to state.
Anyway... I had a great time. I'll post pictures when I get home.