Friday, October 7, 2011

I Should Be Asleep, But I'm Listening to RJ Sleep Talk Instead...

RJ talks in his sleep. Non stop. Every night. It's hilarious the things he says. I always try to ask him about it and then he gets upset for teasing him. :) I love it. 

I am wiped out. Between school, work and trying to be a good wifey I am exhausted. In a good way though. I love going to school. I'm so glad that I'm going and I finally just took the plunge and went back. I love work. I love the people I work with and I enjoy going everyday and listening to the Dixie Chicks all day long. Thanks Mary :) 
I also love my husband. More than words can express. But all together these things have got me in quite the frenzy and I'm wondering where I fit into all of this. 

I haven't worked out in... weeks months! 
Scratch that, I did one, count it, ONE P90X workout last week and thought I was doing good, but the next day I was so sore that I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. If it didn't hurt so much. haha. 

I also don't think I've taken the time to fully look at myself in the mirror for a few months either so sorry to those that have to see my ragged ponytail and sub par makeup job everyday. 

But... there is a moral to this whine sesh. 
Even when I think things are stressful.
Even when there's days that I long for hot chocolate and my pajamas at 4 in the afternoon, 
there's always someone I can come home to and make me smile. Someone that will hug me and tell me that he's proud of my ambition. 
Someone that I can drive all the way to Moab and back with and not turn on the radio even one time. We can talk the whole way. 
I love talking to that kid. He makes me laugh, smile, cringe and blush all in one drive's time and I love every second of it. 

And as hard as it seems for me, I know that RJ is feeling it too. I would say he's missing out on home cooked meals but.... he cooks so.. he's well fed. But when he says he misses me at the end of the day I want to cuddle up next to him and whisper in his ear that I can't believe that I have the honor of calling him mine.

So I'm going to do just that....