Wednesday, October 26, 2011

All Hallows Eve

Don't throw stones yet... before I can explain.
What I'm explaining is quite easy for me. I hate Halloween.

Back up. I love Fall. I love the colors and the cold air. I love the October atmosphere. I almost watched Halloween Town on the Disney Channel last week. (Shh... I said almost!)
But the day of Halloween and the dressing up, not so much.

I am not a dresser-upper. I guess when we have kids I should probably motivate myself to get into the spirit but as of now with RJ and I's childless selves, we're going to Idaho. So my mom can cook me deliciously fattening food like caramel corn. 

Plus I love Idaho's Fall atmosphere. I dream about it at night. I remember the smell randomly and sigh. It brings back lots of fond memories that I like to think about.

What I've been missing lately is picking Pine Nuts. Every Fall we packed into the old Dodge and my step-dad and my mom and the kids would go and pick pine nuts. It's a sticky balancing act mess but so much fun. Then you come home and bake them in the oven. So good. Yesterday I saw an old man on the side of the road selling them in his old beat up pickup truck. I alternated between crying and buying up the lot.
For the record I did neither, but it did make me smile.

So this Halloween there will be no costumes, but we're still going to spend time together and with the family which is one of my favorite things to do.