Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ron Weasley and uh... babies????

So for all of you that don't know... I love Harry Potter. No, I don't love the movie characters or even the movies, but if he was a true person (er.. "wizard") and not a mythical book character, I'd totally be all over him. But more than Harry himself I have a huge thing for Ron Weasley. Huge closet fan. haha.

So much to my surprise and delight guess who the star of my dreams was last night? You guessed it, Ronald himself. Weird dream actually, it didn't seem like anything was happening. All I know is that he was in it. And I liked it. Don't worry, nothing X rated. RJ was actually in the dream too.
So this morning after I wake up, RJ is doing his hair and I jump up and down and say... guess what I dreamed about, guess what I dreamed about?!?!?!!?!
I proceed to tell him my whole dream and he just laughs. Then he tells me that he had a really realistic dream and so I have him tell me.
His dream was that we were at home and he remembered that we needed to go pickup my birth control prescription. But... as he reminds me I sit him down and tell him that I don't need it, that we're going to have a baby. And he was happy about it. 

Everyone knows that RJ and I are not ready for a baby yet. He avoids everything about babies at all costs. Our parents hound us day and night about grandchildren and he distantly says... someday. So this wasn't a pleasant dream for RJ. haha. More like a nightmare I think. So I teased him this morning and told him that it was a premonition and we should get busy having babies. With the dullest voice I think he could muster he says... sure.
Like if I had asked him if he'd like to have his fingernails ripped off one by one. Sure.

Anyway, I think it's hilarious and I think this is teasing worthy for at least a couple of days.

But back to things that really do happen...
We went to the Jazz game last night! It was so much fun. They played the Grizzlies and won by a handful of points. It was a great game to follow and watch. When they win by a million points it's not fun to watch, also when they lose it's not great to watch either. My boss gave me 2 tickets to go and I couldn't have been more excited. Thanks Joe! We don't get to go very often but I think next season we'll try to make it to a few games.