Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts Running Through My Head

Things today that I just need to get off my chest..

1. Could it snow already?! I am so ready for it to be wintertime and to get into the holiday spirit, but I cannot do it when it's 60 degrees outside and the leaves haven't even fallen off of the trees yet. Thanksgiving is a week away and I still feel like we're in September. Bring on the snow, snow gods! I'm ready for winter.

2. Christmas present guessing. I hate guessing what people want for Christmas. I have the hardest time thinking of creative things to buy that they will actually want. I am a advocate for gift cards, but some people think that they are not very personal. Which no, I didn't go to great lengths to find you the perfect present because I've been thinking about what to get you since July and I still haven't come up with anything good!

3. Patience people... has no one ever heard of it? At work all I hear is... can it be now? Can you get a hold of them now even though they just went on their lunch break? No. No, I cannot get a hold of them now. You'll have to wait until they get back from lunch. Go eat your own lunch for half an hour and then call back. They will be here then. Then I can help you.

4. I love getting home from work and starting dinner before RJ gets home. I love feeling the heater kick on and putting on jeans instead of work pants. I love the smell of good food, and I love that I actually can cook a few things nowadays. I have become all domesticated and I love it! I love playing with the dogs and scratching their heads and telling them that I missed them. Then RJ comes home and that is a post for another day. :]

5. Rude People... seriously, get a life. Quit being rude. It's not that hard to be nice.

6. Sour gummy worms.. All I need to say is yum. I have been eating these by the bucket-full lately. They are sooooo good! Oh and also a new addiction: White Chocolate Hot Chocolate. It is to die for and I could drink vats of it at a time.

7. Cold season... sucks. I have had a non stop headache for weeks and am not just developing a sore throat. I am renaming November, No-Fun-ber because no one feels good enough to go out these days.

8. I am very thankful this month for my grandparents. They struggle and have to work through their daily lives but they still make Sunday so enjoyable for the rest of the family. My grandpa puts in a lot of time cooking for us and making sure that we have a good Sunday dinner. I don't think I've ever told them how much I have come to love Sunday dinner and how it has been a cherished tradition ever since I can remember. I take for granted all that they have done for me. I love them very much and it is very hard to see them get older and to see their health decline, but I know that they are happy and they wouldn't trade Sundays for anything.

That is all. These are just some things that I have been thinking about lately on my drives to and from work. I love the winter season and I am so excited for the holidays coming up.