30 Weeks! Seriously.
It has gone by sooo fast and I cannot wait to take this fat suit off and hold my little puffle in my arms! :)
I know I'm a little behind and it's because this month has been so crazy.
We dropped my sister off at the MTC on Wednesday... That was pretty hard but she was so excited and ready to go so I can't really be all that sad for her. I hope she's lovin it with all those boys in the MTC. ;)
I went to my last Dr's Appointment on Tuesday and now I have to go back on the 20th! Every two weeks.
That put it a little more into perspective. It's getting closer and I can't wait.
We've been getting into the Christmas spirit at our house and last
Friday we watched Elf and burned a Mulled Cider candle. Perfect for fall
weather. And I love Elf.
This was at 29 weeks.. I think. Still loving the belly, but I don't love it while I'm sleeping. I wish I could detach it and put it on the nightstand so I can get comfortable to sleep.
And I finally finished the $#&T% Changing Table. I hate that thing. I will be surprised if I ever use it in my kid's entire life. It gave me heartburn and tears and pain and I hate it....
But it did turn out pretty cute.
As for the baby stats...
How Far Along Are You?
30 Weeks & 5 Days
Total Weight Gain?
17.6 lbs at the Dr's last Tuesday. That's right... I only gained 1 pound in the last month.
But really... I have gained more than that.
Let me tell you a little story... A few weeks ago I realized something... that not to long from now a whole lot of people are going to be staring at my inner thighs. I know, I'm a nut.
So I have been doing Legs of Steel a couple of nights a week and trying to eat super healthy crap.
Therefore I lost a few pounds this month. I didn't lose any baby fat, the kid's still chomping in there at exactly the right size. I mostly just lost a little love handle fat. Go me!
Maternity Clothes?
Still regular pants with a few maternity shirts mixed in.
Stretch Marks?
Happily no, and the doctor checks every month and tells me I'm pretty lucky and if I can get away with none at the end of this I should win an award.
Boo! :( Sleep is no good. I go to bed around 9:15 and then toss and turn all night long. I have the hardest time getting comfortable and the second my body isn't protesting I feel like I can't breathe. It's been less than ideal let's just say.
Best Moment this Week?
Turning 30 weeks! I'm in the 3's now instead of the 2's! Yay!
And more and more people asking me about being pregnant. I love that people finally don't think I'm just fat.
Miss Anything?
Fall/Winter Clothes and Sleeping... Mostly Sleeping...
I got all crazy last weekend because I didn't feel her move very much. So late at night when she's the most active anyway I would sit really still and prod her around so that I knew she was in there. This week she's been a little butterfly in there. If I get hungry, she protests!
Food Cravings?
Apples! I have not been able to get enough apples throughout this entire month.
I'm also pretty excited for Pumpkin Pie at Thanksgiving.
Anything Make you Queasy or Sick?
Not this week!
Labor Signs? Nada
Can't breathe for beans... that's pretty much it.
Button in or out?
If I laugh, definitely out. Other than that it lurks on the surface.
Wedding Rings on or Off?
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Happy with a mix of emotional... The tears come for no reason at all!
It is plain ridiculous.
Looking forward to?
Thanksgiving! And getting the crib done in the next few days. We're planning on working on the nursery this weekend. :D
I have been waiting for you to post! that changing table is ADORABLE. I think I may use your handy skills in the future lol
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