Thursday, November 15, 2012


Getting there, Getting there... I am trying so hard to be patient but now I really just want a kid and not a fat suit.
This week has been really, let's just call it.... relaxed. Let me illustrate by the pictures below.
We've been sleeping... this was at 8:30 at night. We're awesome fun people.

We lay in bed til all hours of the morning because it was snowing and cold.

Even the dogs got in on it. We've all just lounged around all week after we get home from work.
We did in fact spend all of our extra money on baby clothes this weekend...
They were too adorable not to.
We also got a rocker/glider/sweetest most comfy chair ever for the baby's room.
RJ's parents were kind enough to split it with us.
How will I ever thank them enough? They're awesome and I don't know what I would do without them. Not just because they buy me pretty things and cut my hair, but because they're always so loving and amazing to be around.

We also went to a birthing class the last two weekends... Interesting but they were really educational and I am glad that I went. Besides being shown a recently removed from a women's body placenta... didn't love that.
And lastly... do your husbands do this?! He was sitting by the computer eating his cereal and drinking coffee by this time. Who does he think he is just leaving things open like that? We had a talkin to. ;)
Then I proceeded to leave my shoes all over the house which is his biggest pet peeve.
Anyway... I got back to the Dr on Tuesday (Yikes!)
How far along?
31 weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain?
Whatever it was last week until I go back on Tuesday. I think probably a few pounds though because either the baby just loves hanging out in my ribs or she's getting more cramped in there.
Maternity clothes?
Pants no- shirts yes. I had to buy my first new pair of pants in an astronomical size though the other day... Didn't love that feeling but I do love the feeling of my pants not gouging into my stomach. So you win some... you lose some.
Stretch marks?
Not yet
Next question... touchy subject. Meaning... no. No sleep.
Best moment this week?
Hiccups! Baby J had them for over 5 minutes the other day. I felt really bad, but my mom told me it will help strengthen her lungs. I still think my mom is up in the night about this one, but it made me feel better which is probably what she was trying to do. :)
And RJ telling me that he's getting excited. He's the biggest culprit in baby clothes buying. The little things get him as much as they do me. I can't put them down!
Miss anything?
Looking proportionate???? haha
Leg jabs to the ribs every few minutes and she squirms around periodically probably thinking that she wishes she had rented a bigger space. Soon darlin... Soon.
Food Cravings?
Root Beer Barrels!
Anything make you queasy or sick?
This week nothing has sounded good again. I had orange juice for dinner last night because I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted. So healthy of me.
Labor Signs?
Nope- I sound like it though when I'm trying to put on my shoes or pants or anything on my lower extremities.
My stomach aches from housing a ninja but other than that not really. I have been more tired this week than the last few. I also feel like I can never breathe.
Belly button in or out?
Flat, but if I laugh or try to sit up it pops right out!
Wedding rings on or off?
Happy or moody most of the time?
Looking forward to?
Thanksgiving! and Pie!