Tuesday, October 23, 2012

28 Weeks

Last weekend was a good one.
We went up to Idaho for my sister's farewell and I also got to go stay at my older sister's house for the first time. It was majorly overdue.
We had a good time chatting and RJ and I slept on a twin bed together. haha.
That was an adventure, but I loved it. He couldn't get away from my cuddling.
The only downside to the weekend is that we went to Golden Corral after my sister went through the temple and I seriously ate my body weight in meatloaf.
I thought I might burst.
The other downside is that it's getting closer and closer to Lindsey leaving and although I am so excited for her, I will miss her. I keep telling her to get out of here so that she can get back sooner. :)

On the brightside, I got to spend some really fun time with my family... oh and I got to touch a camel. Seriously...

It was a really good, relaxing weekend and I wouldn't have changed a thing.
As for being pregnant... well I am finally feeling quite pregnant. But I'll explain below:
How Far Along?
28 Weeks
Total Weight Gain:
16.6 lbs at my last appointment. I haven't felt like I've gained much more the last couple weeks though.
Maternity Clothes:Most depressing weekend ever. I haven't had to wear a dress or skirt in a while so on Friday after work I was packing to head up to Idaho. I tried on every single dress/skirt that I own and I looked like a cased sausage in EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!!! There wasn't even the ugly "I'llneverwearthis,whydoIevenownthisdress" to put on. So Saturday afternoon while we were in Twin Falls I had to search out a maternity dress. It was hectic, but I found one at Target at about 10 p.m. on Saturday night. SCORE!
Stretch Marks? None yet, but my belly has felt so stretched and full this week.. so if they're going to happen, they be happenin soon.
I sleep the best on the couch in the living room while we watch Friends at night. Other than that... not loving it.
Best Moment This Week?
My sister got to feel Baby J kick. Just once, but at least it was something. The baby is the biggest brat when it comes to people feeling her move. She'll be having a party in there and the second someone puts their hand on my stomach she is silent as a mouse.
Miss Anything?
A cute fall wardrobe and being able to go to any store in the mall and find a dress.. none of this Motherhood Maternity crap.
Anytime, all the time...except if someone wants to feel her move.
Food Cravings?
Anything Making you sick or queasy?
Everything apparently. I drank a cup of cold water last night and immediately barfed it back up. Nothing is free from making me sick. I am afraid morning sickness is rearing it's ugly head again.
GIRLY GIRL! - and it's harder and harder not to tell people what her name is :D
Labor Signs?
Oh the symptoms... this week it is mostly a sore back and also feeling like I can't breathe.
Belly Button in or Out?
Pretty much out, but it still stays hidden under my clothes at least
Wedding Rings on or Off?
Happy or Moody most of the time?
Looking forward to?
The holidays of course! And starting my every two week appointments. It means it's getting closer!


Hayley and Zachary said...

I love your posts. They make me laugh! I am super excited for your baby too! :)