Only 13 more weeks left, give or take!
I am so excited that it is getting closer but on the other hand I kind of never want it to end. It has been so much fun so far.
I love laying down at night and feeling the baby kick me and I love thinking of all the fun things that we're going to do once she makes her arrival.
Which is why as much as I would like her to bake in there forever, she better come out in 13 or so weeks so that we can have some real fun.
We took family pictures last week that turned out great!
Pictures in general make me happy and I am excited to get maternity pictures done. I just need to find the right photographer first. :)
And when Lindsey comes back from her mission they'll be two more to add to the picture.
As far as being a giant pregnant person goes, it really has been good this week. I had my first stranger ask me when I was due! It did not click at all though and I stared at her for like 30 seconds before I responded. haha.
I'm sure as she was bagging our groceries up that she thought I was the dimmest person alive, but hey... still hasn't quite sunk in yet that a little person is in there.
I generally always look like I just woke up, but I really had in these pictures so just go with my face in the first one.
Defintely getting bigger and bigger. I can tell by how hard it is to get up from a sitting position and when I try to bend over. It's pretty awesome actually. I'm just waiting to be a giant balloon of a person so that people will ask me if I'm going to pop any day.
I'm sure as she was bagging our groceries up that she thought I was the dimmest person alive, but hey... still hasn't quite sunk in yet that a little person is in there.
I generally always look like I just woke up, but I really had in these pictures so just go with my face in the first one.
Defintely getting bigger and bigger. I can tell by how hard it is to get up from a sitting position and when I try to bend over. It's pretty awesome actually. I'm just waiting to be a giant balloon of a person so that people will ask me if I'm going to pop any day.
How far along?
27 Weeks
Total Weight Gain?
16.6 lbs as of my last appointment
Maternity Clothes?
Shirts yes, Pants no
Stretch Marks?
Pretty great actually. I usually wake up to pee once and then go right back to sleep.
Best Moment this Week?
While RJ thought I was asleep last night he put his hand on my belly to feel the baby kick. She kicked him a couple of times. I love it that he wants to feel her move as much as me and I especially love it when she does kick when he feels for it because most of the time she's a stinker about it and won't ever let anyone feel her kick.
Miss Anything?
Fall Fashion. I feel like I'm kind of limited in what I can and can't wear. A lot of my sweaters are going unworn this year because I just look like a stuffed sausage in them.
So much! She'll do weird quick movements where my whole belly will move around and other times it just feels like a knee or elbow. She'll probably be lanky like me.
Food Cravings?
I have been eating a lot of cereal....
I got sick last Friday though and I haven't had much of an appetite since then. I think it was food overload.
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick?
Mexican Food in general.
I think RJ is still holding out for a boy though. He keeps asking me, "What if it comes out a boy?" or "We can't have pink curtains in the nursery, what if it comes out a boy?"
Get it through your thick skull kid, it's a girl! :)
Labor Signs?
When I can say yes to this... I will probably have a stroke.
Not too many this week. The iron pills have been my personal light at the end of the tunnel. Even the back pain has gotten much better this week. All except last Friday, I really can't say that I've had really any symptoms... aside from carrying a beach ball under my shirt and all that that brings.
Belly button in or out?
I do not want to answer this one.... One more growth spurt in the kid and my belly button will look like a door knob.
Wedding Rings on or Off?
Off again, it's back at the jewelers. I'm afraid when they do finally give it back it won't fit.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
This week, mostly emotional. I could cry at the slightest thing. Otherwise very happy. :)
I got a little anxiety this weekend thinking about all that we still need to do though. I guess that's just my mind's way of telling me to get going on things.
Looking forward to?
My sister's farewell this weekend and showing off my belly to everyone in Idaho.
Awe...cute family pictures. I am surprised how much you all really do look alike, Nicole included :)!
Charise! Those family pictures are adorable and it made me smile about that comment of RJ feeling the baby. So cute. I am excited for you :)
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