Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Little Pink Plus Sign

So we just can't hold it in any longer.
We're going to have a baby!

We're so excited and can't wait- January is going to take so long to get here!

I wrote a post about it when I found out.

 May 3, 2012
Joining the Mom Club- Complete With A Nasty Hair Bun
Holy #^$*

I cannot adequately explain how I feel right now.

Well I'm here to say... We're going to have a baby.

I'm so excited I couldn't even get ready this morning. Hence the bun. :) I promise I took eight thousand more pictures of me smiling like a bafoon but I was shaking so badly that I couldn't hold the camera very good so they didn't turn out.

RJ and I are so grateful for this and so excited for it too. We're hoping all is well and we'll have a healthy crying, pooping, mouth to feed in 9 months. :)

I really can't say I've felt any differently, besides knee issues which is probably because I haven't bought new running shoes in like 3 years. The other other thing is girlfriend has been EMOTIONAL!

So crazy emotional! I have been up and down and up and down again. It terrified RJ.

For example, RJ took me to lunch last week and we had such a good lunch and we were being a cute married couple, and then the car ride back, a switch turned and I was picking the biggest fight of our lives. Luckily RJ is level-headed and kept that one at bay. I did apologize later. I know I'm being a nut!

Other than that, life has been like normal. I did get nauseous when RJ showed me this gooey sore on his stomach, but I don't count that because it was disgusting and anyone would have gagged.

Anyway, I'm off to take another pregnancy test just to be safe. :D


Hayley and Zachary said...

Charise! I am so so so excited for you :) You are going to be such an amazing mommy! OHHHHH! I get to see that belly grow too at work yay :)

The Rasch's said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting. Love you both lots