Wednesday, May 23, 2012

April & May

Starting where I left off here is what we've been up to since about our anniversary.

RJ surprised me with a sweet treat. He was up in Layton so he stopped at the Sweet Tooth Fairy and got me a cupcake. Red Velvet- my weakness.

For Cindy Mom's birthday we got her the cutest bag from Coach so we made our way up to Park City and went to the Coach Outlet. While we were there we stopped and ate at our favorite chinese place up there, Schezwan.  This is RJ's happy grin because he has just been well fed.

We went to Moab with my sister, her roommate and our cousin and had a great time. I love hiking and being able to see so many beautiful places. It was such a fun trip.

This is my darling little Schnitzel cuddling with me after RJ left for work on one of the Saturdays. He doesn't like her to sleep with us so she sneaks in when he leaves. I love it. She looks so content and happy. :)

We had to deal with a raccoon problem in our nice little surburban neighborhood. We lost 2 of our chickens but luckily still have one. We caught it the 3rd night that it came and this was the little bugger. So cute, yet so mean. Our dogs were even scared to go too close.

Lastly, we sent this to my mom on Mother's Day because we weren't able to make it up to Idaho to see her. We missed her a lot but that's how life goes sometimes. They came down this past weekend instead.

Anyway, that's up to Mother's Day! I will update again soon. I need to be better at taking pictures of things we do. :)


Hayley and Zachary said...

I can't believe you have raccoons! and cute pictures Charise :)