Monday, February 6, 2012

One Year

I just saw that I never posted this on our 1st anniversary.
I still feel the same so I thought I'd share it now. 

Time goes by way too quickly. We'll blink and it'll be our 20th anniversary. I can say that knowing without a doubt that 20 years will happen. I'm a pretty indecisive person, but you're something that I know I can't let go of. I love being married to you. You are my best friend and knowing that you come home to me every night gives me butterflies. Everything makes me think of you and puts a smile on my face.
Getting married was the best decision I think we've ever made. This last year has been full of new experiences and big decisions but knowing that you're there holding my hand is enough. Knowing I can always go to you to yell, to cry, and for good advice shows me that I'm lucky to have you.
As a teenager when I imagined dating and getting married, I envisioned fancy dinners and convertible cars.. (I know what you're thinking... someone needed a reality check :]) Instead I got Costco hot dog night and big tires and lifted trucks. I wouldn't change anything and most of all I wouldn't change anything about you. I married you knowing that we would struggle and that somedays your socks on the floor would put me over the edge. But in return I got you. You, who is always willing to watch The Proposal just one more time and who would do anything for me or my family. Someone that always kisses me goodnight and that will pull me close.

You have changed me so much for the better. You're always there to guide me and tease me when I am getting a little too uptight. You're such a great example to me. You show everyone you meet kindness and acceptance. You don't need someone to tell you to be a good person, you just are. You spoil me with kindness and shiny cars and you make my life worth living.

You're who I want to be sitting next to in 10, 20 and 50 years. I want you have your children and watch them grow with you.

Mostly I just want you.

I love you.
Your wife.


Hayley and Zachary said...

Oh congratulations! That was such a cute post :)