So the weekend started a little bit wobbly.. literally.
RJ and I are in love with making home decor with pallet wood. Seriously. It's borderline an obsession.
So we weasled our way over to RJ's work to get a few more pallets and as we were loading them in the car RJ decided to fall on the ground.
Don't worry, I'm a great wife and I [almost] didn't laugh.
Instead I shouted, This is no time for a nap!
These are day two of the wreckage. This was after hours of whining and squirming from RJ. He thought he was near death. I was loving it up because RJ didn't want to do anything all weekend but stay in and cuddle. I love weekends like that!
The DEMON pallets.
On Sunday he was feeling a little better so I made him go on a run with me. He rode his bike while I ran.
I'm getting terrible Spring Fever so I spent the afternoon riding around.
Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without coffee- decaf now because RJ is a dud.
And no showers...
and motorcycle rides...
and making fun of the duck face.
{Don't worry, I was starting to wonder if his foot was even hurt too}
We ended the weekend {not watching the Superbowl} and cooking pulled pork in the Crock Pot along with rolls in the cast iron skillet. It was delicious.
All in all good it was a great weekend!
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