On January 13th I got a call from my sister telling me that my brother was driving to Vegas to get married...
Say whaaa?!
Even more, he was marrying a girl that he had known in high school, but they had only been recently dating for a handful of weeks.
I called and he smartly said that he wasn't doing anything fishy, he was eating Orange Chicken at Panda Express. When I asked him which state he was eating said Panda Express in, he laughed and I can imagine his little grin that only he has and told me in RJ's hometown... the cover was blown; he was in Las Vegas.
As I didn't want to be out of the family gossip I quickly asked him if he really was going to marry this girl. He proudly said yes, and told me that he loved her very much.
Lance & I are both dreamers. We don't really see the realistic way that life should be lived. We're spontaneous and emotional and usually do things before we really think about it.
We have a "what the hell, why not?" kind of attitude.
We've grown up really close, running track together and riding the basketball bus in high school together. That one summer job moving irrigation lines really helped us set aside our differences and learn to respect each other and help each other in hard times.
I love my little brother more than words can say. He reminds me of myself.
He's charming and funny and has this little quirky side that you have to get used to.
He's quick on his feet and beats to his own drum.
On a serious note, Lance has the biggest heart of anyone that I have ever met.
I have never seen someone that cares more about other people than he does.
He would literally do anything for anyone. He sees potential in people that others don't see.
He is kind and giving and does not judge others and is so accepting of everyone.
These are things I've always known, but what I have learned in the last few weeks is that he married the most wonderful girl.
Nicole is beautiful and smart. She's funny and caring. From the second that I got to know her, she has been warm and kind. She's outgoing and outspoken, traits I've always wanted more in myself.
She laughs often and brings an atmosphere that you want to be around. She's the kind of person that you meet and you instantly want to be friends and cultivate that atmosphere that she brings.
She's thoughtful, always saying thank you and making sure that your life is going well.
I don't think that Lance and Nicole could be any better for each other. They're both so loving and kind to each other. They flirt and tease each other endlessly, but then turn around and they're asleep on the couch together.
They're inspiring.
I cannot wait to see them grow together and fall even more in love.
Congrats Lance and Nicole!
I wish you all the best.