So... this morning I woke up like every other day.
Half an hour behind when I should have woken up.
I showered, not rushing. I plucked my eyebrows- again, not rushing.
Then I went through the rest of getting ready.
And then I wonder why I am never on time for work.
RJ and I have to be to work at the same time. His work is 5 minutes away, mine is 15 and today he left before me. That's never a good thing.
So when I finally decided to get moving I could not find anything to wear.
I have this red turtleneck that I absolutely love but it has a small hole in the front of it right around the collar and I haven't worn it for a long while because of the hole.
Well today... I pulled it out of my closet still on the hanger. I investigate this tiny hole and see if I can manage to cover it.
No go.
As I'm going to put it back I see the back...
It looks just like the front.
I'm WEARING said turtleneck as I type this. BACKWARDS. And you better believe no one would ever know the difference. Booyah. (Yes... I just said that.)
Because that is what the last couple of months have been like for me. Improvising, compromising and adjusting; making things work.
I was reading through a middle school friend's blog this morning.
Love your blog Michal!
She's just come to the realization that she's young and she worries too much about the small stuff and has anxiety over things that are yet to come. She feels like she's trying to grow up too quickly.
I am the exact same way.
I'm too young to worry about who is going to pay for my funeral.
I worry about Global Warming and the hot australians getting fried up.
I worry about putting a roof on our house and how we're going to afford daycare to our unborn children!
All of this is a true story!
What I've decided today is that I'm too young to worry about these things. After all.. I'll be turning 23 next April.
I'm still plenty young to be ignorant of daycare and should care less about my funeral which hopefully will be in 70+ years.
I'm still plenty young to be ignorant of daycare and should care less about my funeral which hopefully will be in 70+ years.
That is why I'm wearing my shirt backwards today. My small act of rebellion that shows that I'm still young and free to act as immaturely as possible.
I hope everyone has a great Friday.
I know I will. :D
Good post! I really enjoyed this simple reminder of worrying less.
Charise! You are added to my blog chart now too. How hilarious, I work with you and I did NOT notice it backwards, I did notice how cute it was! ha ha Awesome.
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