Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So last Thursday we had quite the night with wind blowing up to 100 MPH. It was actually pretty terrifying and I kept thinking that our house was going to blow down or the windows were just going to shatter.
It was pretty funny actually; RJ didn't sleep a wink the whole night and every time I would roll over because another big gust was hitting us RJ would be sitting there, his eyes wide open, just staring around. It makes me smile just to remember it. He's such a worry-wart.
The next morning we were praying that we had minimal damage to our house and that everything was okay. Luckily, we did manage not to have any problems.
Or so we thought...
We went about our weekend and the neighbor stopped us on Saturday evening and let us know that the metal topper (who really knows what that is called) on our fireplace had curled up a little bit and was letting wind into our house.
We were thinking, so that's what that noise was.
RJ boosted me up onto our roof and I screwed it back in. While we were up there we noticed that the corner of our house was completely void of shingles.
So we headed over to Lowes and bought a little bag of shingles and totally ghetto rigged it so that there wasn't anymore bare wood.
We're planning on replacing the roof next summer so we weren't too worried now.

Here is the picture of RJ being the handy man he is.

He fixed the corner. I on the other hand barked out orders and caution from the middle of the roof where I wasn't going to fall off. I have the hardest time watching people get close to the edges and especially when the when was blowing and it was starting to snow.
Especially when it's my husband who thinks it's funny to scare me to death.

This was my look the entire time I was up there.

I didn't like it one bit.
I like to pretend to be the supportive wife and all that but sheesh, I guess I could have barked orders from the yard. haha. RJ would have loved that.

It was quite and adventure and I love having a husband that is willing to fix things himself and do the work. He's an amazing worker and an amazing husband. He works very hard at his job and then comes home at night and does things that need to be done around the house.

On Sunday, our ward rounded up the willing and went around and helped the neighbors clean up any trees and branches lying around so that if the wind came again on Sunday night it wouldn't create more damage. RJ had his chainsaw whipped out in .04 seconds and was ready to cut down every tree in the neighborhood. He's such a boy at heart.

It was such a great experience to help those around us. I took a bunch of pictures but I'm saving them for a separate post.

Hopefully I'll have it ready tonight. :)