My crazy sister Alishia... who knows what's best for us all decided that she was going to not eat out for the entire month of March. I figured she needed someone to do it with her so RJ and I volunteered. She's going to stop drinking soda too, but I told her fat chance that I'm giving that up if I can't eat chicken nuggets at least once a week.
(Could that be the reason I can't lose any weight??)
So... today's the last day.
And I'm celebrating by eating a KitKat. I'm going to limit my sugar intake also.
I'm proud though because normally on the eve of an adventure like this I would shove down a hamburger or something, but I didn't. I figured I'd start early and get a deli sandwich from the grocery store instead.
It tasted like sandpaper but I am proud that I didn't go for the hamburger.
3 reasons why I want to do this:
1. We're trying to save money to go to Canada this fall so any money that we can save is good.
2. It might just sort of be healthy for me not to eat a million calories for lunch alone.
3. It will show myself that I have the self control and power to tell myself no.
My reward at the end of the month.
A couple brand new shirts just in time to celebrate my birthday.
And hopefully a few lost pounds that make the shirts look even better.
I know that it's going to be difficult, but I really want to feel good and look good this summer so I'm going to try my best to stay on track and then at the end of the month have a new perspective on when and where I choose to eat out.