Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodbye Chinese.. Goodbye KitKat

My crazy sister Alishia... who knows what's best for us all decided that she was going to not eat out for the entire month of March. I figured she needed someone to do it with her so RJ and I volunteered. She's going to stop drinking soda too, but I told her fat chance that I'm giving that up if I can't eat chicken nuggets at least once a week.
(Could that be the reason I can't lose any weight??)
So... today's the last day.
And I'm celebrating by eating a KitKat. I'm going to limit my sugar intake also.
I'm proud though because normally on the eve of an adventure like this I would shove down a hamburger or something, but I didn't. I figured I'd start early and get a deli sandwich from the grocery store instead.
It tasted like sandpaper but I am proud that I didn't go for the hamburger.

3 reasons why I want to do this:

1. We're trying to save money to go to Canada this fall so any money that we can save is good.
2. It might just sort of be healthy for me not to eat a million calories for lunch alone.
3. It will show myself that I have the self control and power to tell myself no.

My reward at the end of the month.
A couple brand new shirts just in time to celebrate my birthday.
And hopefully a few lost pounds that make the shirts look even better.

I know that it's going to be difficult, but I really want to feel good and look good this summer so I'm going to try my best to stay on track and then at the end of the month have a new perspective on when and where I choose to eat out.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Home Home He's on his way home! 
It has been a looong weekend without RJ. 
It's the first time we've spent a weekend apart since my birthday in 2008.

I missed him like crazy. 
I may have cried... once. [ok... it was twice!]
I know I'm a baby, but I don't care. 
I missed my best friend. It's been lonely without him.

He's on his way home :D

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I'm kinda grumpy today. 

My husband is doing this...

While I am doing this..

I normally love cleaning, but I just can't get into it today. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yesterday at work I was thinking of ways to get motivated and stay motivated to work out and to get into shape for summer.
I live just around the corner from the Bountiful Rec Center so I decided to look up classes there.
I found a Step class that I could take on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
I'm usually one to chicken out or be too shy to do something like this, but I took a step class in my first [and only] semester of college and it was my favorite class and it helped me lose 10 pounds.
So... I mustered up the courage and I went.

I was still shy and scared to go alone, but I knew that I would enjoy it once I was there.
And maybe it just bothers me but it's not like at Gold's Gym, where all the boys come to "lift weights" but really they're just checking out the girls taking classes.


It kicked my butt! After 30 minutes I realized that I've really got to step up my game, and I was only half way through the class!
It was a lot of fun and everyone was welcoming and nice and there was a good mix of old and young ladies there with all skill levels.
So, then after the class ends she informs everyone that she is teaching a Core Fusion class after and to stick around if you wanted to. I figured I'd stay and see what it was all about.

It burned, my whole body shook, I was in positions that I never thought possible.
But it worked.
I also loved that class.
I loved that she pushed us to the limit and that I worked out harder than I have in a long time.
I grew up involved in organized sports my whole life.
Dancing, Gymnastics, Track..
Someone was always pushing me to do better and to make sure I was living up to my potential.
I think I've lost sight of that a little bit.
It has been hard for me to push myself on the treadmill to go further when I haven't seen any results.

Walking into the rec center brought back so many memories.
Chalk, sweat, movement.
I was home.
I think it may become a regular occurance.
So watch out, I don't like to workout alone, so I may enlist you to come with me. :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Yesterday - Beatles

This song could not be more dead on with how I feel today.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as if they're here to stay. 
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why'd she had to go,
I don't know, She wouldn't say.
I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I don't mean this in a depressed way at all. It's more like just reminding me that life changes and to go with the flow and be less control-freakish.

Wasn't life so easy when all you had to worry about was whether your Jellies shoes were on the right feet.

Really... I had a pair of these [ok. Ten pairs]


Friday, February 18, 2011

Yes I Did...

I'm generally a walking billboard for American Eagle.
I just can't help it.
So... I just scored these.

And the very best part is... today they have 20% off plus free shipping --- and I had a $20 dollar gift card from my sister for Christmas [Thanks Alishia!] So the total of these babies was....

It really doesn't get better than that.

Now I want this to go with them..

[Maybe next time]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday Ramblings...

So.. Valentine's Day was fun. RJ and I played it low key and we made homemade Rumbi Teriyaki Chicken Bowls for dinner and watched the Bachelor. [Really... RJ made dinner and I oohed and awwed from the living room]. I totally wish he would have sent Chantal home instead of Michelle. I know Michelle is nuts, but I think Chantal is waaaay too emotional and dramatic for me. We had a good night and we both agree that we're still happy that we got married. :]

Which I know, I'm a nerd.. but we have been married for 10 months on Tuesday. TEN. I know, in reality that is nothing compared to the 60 years I want to spend with him, but the time has flown by. Definitely the best 10 months in our relationship. I can't wait for our first anniversary. Which, incidentally falls on Easter weekend, which incidentally,we always spend Easter Camping with my family. I can't decide whether or not to opt out of that yet. Maybe we'll just go down a little bit later.
One year since this day :]

Speaking of Easter and traditions I am so excited for it to be warm and to be spending more time with my family this year. When my parents were divorced there was always a cloud over holidays that was always in the back of your mind reminding you that one member of your family was missing. Now, since they're remarried the cloud has disspated and we can spend the holidays together. Yes, there may have been some crazy, bad, good, awkward, unreasonable years in between, but I'm glad my parents are together and happy.

[ 3 year ago and 2 years on Easter.. See what I'm talking about.. no mom. And yes, RJ was taking the picture in 2008. We've been together for decades practically]

RJ and I are planning a trip to Whistler, BC in the fall this year. It's where they just held the last winter Olympics. Apparently, when it is not covered with snow for 3/4ths of the year, it is prime mountain biking country and we are excited to go. We went to Vancouver for our honeymoon last year and we're excited to drive [yes you read that right] drive up there again. Vancouver was amazing, but I'm more of a country girl and Whistler is just the place. Plus it's BEAUTIFUL.
GORGEOUS! We may or may not go skinny dipping in that lake. ;]

Still gorgeous..

Mountain biking. Look at the scenery. I can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else.
I'm excited. Now we just need to start saving our pennies. :]

Monday, February 14, 2011


"You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

Happy Valentine's Day RJ :]

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eleven Oh Five

RJ fell asleep watching TV and now he is out like a light. 
I'm not even the least bit tired. 
So what am I going to do for the next hour or so...
I've already cleaned.
I made cookies for tomorrow's dinner. 
I have looked at every nook and cranny of Facebook. 
I could work out. But that would probably wake RJ up. 
I could bath the dog. 
I could read a book that I've been meaning to finish. 
But instead I'm here. Blogging away. Bored. 
Not being the least bit productive. 

Today had me thinking of memories. Not purposely, I have categorized my life as before I got married and now that I am married. 
I have had a hard time trying to mesh the two. For some reason at first I felt like all those other memories were gone and that I wouldn't be able to do the things I did before I was married. Like now I have to be an adult and I can't have any fun. 
Today I was sitting on the porch and soaking in the sun and realized that I can have both. 
I associate memories with smells. 
And today smelled like Spring and riding my bike and jumping on the trampoline. All of the things that I did when I was younger. 
It felt good to remember those things and feel content. 
But I realized even more that I am making new memories now. Ones that are going to last a lifetime and the best part is that I have someone great to share them with. When I can't remember the exact details in 30 years, RJ will remember what I don't. And it's okay to have fun and create new memories that I will love just as much as the ones that I have of when I was a kid.
Maybe it's because I'm still a 'newlywed' but I feel so lucky to have RJ and to me it doesn't feel like my feelings will wear out with time. 
I guess we'll see. :]

How do you go from this...

to this...

I guess it's just the way it goes. :]

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I made it through yesterday.
Sorry I was such a downer. I feel much better now thanks to RJ. He knows how to give a perfect hug and lie close to me and tell me that everything will turn out fine.
That's why I love him. :]

Anyway.. just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine and not going to resort to drastic measures. I just needed a post to vent.

I was thinking yesterday about the things that relaxed me and make me happy.
I have found that cooking to me is really relaxing and I love trying new things.
RJ and I are about Chili's #1 fans and RJ's favorite dish is their Honey Chipolte Chicken Crispers. I found a recipe from The Pioneer Woman's website and tweaked it a little and we made them at home last night.
Here is a link to the recipe.

They turned out DELICIOUS and less fattening than Chili's version. I think. ;]
I took a picture, but I haven't uploaded it so you'll have to wait.
My sister thinks it's strange that I cook foods and then take pictures but I love seeing the finished product.

Cookin away... I totally rock an apron. 

Another thing that I love is just being home. I'm kind of a hermit.
This is our new duvet cover for our bed. Pretty much in love and could stare at it all day long.

And as promised... a picture of our new rig.
Love IT!

Oh and I'm trying a new diet to see if that helps the losing 5 pounds thing. No more pasta. :[ RJ says it's just because I don't have any weight to lose. That's why I love him folks. :]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Have A Mid-Life Crisis.. When You're 21?

So maybe mid-life crisis is a bit dramatic. But lately I've just been feeling so overwhelmed and frustrated with life. Here is what's swirling through my brain just today:

1. Not being a good enough employee, sister, neighbor, daughter, pet owner, etc.
2. Feeling like I want to accomplish so much more but limited for various reasons. [No one pipe up with anything is possible, because if you just can't afford to go to school, it ain't happenin].
3. Working out a ton and losing half a pound after a MONTH AND A HALF. A MONTH AND A HALF of running almost every single day. I don't want to be a skeleton people, but why can't I lose 5 pounds.
4. Did I mention not feeling good enough?
5. Paying the bills.
6. Feeling insecure for different reasons.

Mostly I just want to be so much more than what I'm currently at. I want to have a job where I contribute to our family's success and feel good at the end of the day like I accomplished something.

I feel like I'm not being a very good sport about life at the moment. Like a sore loser and I hate feeling like that. I want to be positive and happy with what I have.

And I know you can't always be perfect and that life isn't always easy and that I really have a great life and I shouldn't complain at all. But somehow that doesn't make me feel that much better. So maybe I need to change my attitude. I know...

I just felt like venting.

I found this music video that I love. It's realistic without masking how some people really feel in life. I know I can relate to not feeling good enough or comparing myself to others. I don't know anyone who hasn't struggled with self doubt at some point. I want my kids to know that I think they're beautiful and perfect no matter what.

[Sorry about the language in the title. The music video is edited]

I know I need to just learn to relax and dance in the rain instead of drowning in it.

P.S. Sorry that my blog just got a lot more honest. Deal with it. :]

Monday, February 7, 2011

Great Weekends

The last couple of weekends have been really fun. Some of my family has come up and had breakfast on Sunday morning with us.

Two Sundays ago Kacee and Astorea, and Alishia came up and we made breakfast and then we went on a bike ride down to the little lake by our house and fed the ducks. The lake was pretty much frozen over and the ducks seemed too cold to even want to move let alone eat, but we got a few of them to come off of their island and eat some kitty food.

Then yesterday my sisters Alishia and Kacee, Astorea and my brother Lance and his girlfriend Tristan came up and we had breakfast again and then we went to the park by our house and played a little bit of baseball. Lance and Kacee are really the only good ones so we mostly just pitched the ball to each other and ran around like crazies.

This was us on the swings -- ha. I haven't been on a swing in a long time.

This is Lance, Kacee, and Astorea riding RJ's tiny little BMX bike. This was a workout all in itself I think.

We had a really good time. It was a nice day yesterday and it felt so good to get out and enjoy the fresh air especially since I have felt so cooped up this winter. I love spending time with my brother and sisters. They are my best friends and I don't know what I would do without them. I wish that I saw my parents and my youngest sister more, but since they're in Idaho it's a little less often. We still have just as good of a time when we're together though.

I love having sisters to look up to and to get advice from. We are all pretty different, but that is what makes it fun. We all bring something different to the table and it's fun to get everyone's opinion on something because we hardly ever agree.

I love all of my family so much and I'm grateful to have them as mine. They are my favorite people in the whole world --

apart from this guy. :)

Still pretty much can't get enough of him. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cruisin with my Stunna Shades on..

You would think that our lives would be a little more interesting, but at the moment... they're just not. I've been okay with that though. After the holidays I like to relax and be a little lazy and just catch up with the new year and dream up ideas for Spring and Summer.

One highlight of the month is that we traded in our Mazda for RJ's dream car -- an FJ Cruiser. It's pretty fun I have to admit. I love that when we ride somewhere or he comes and picks me up he looks so cool and sexy it just makes me want to kiss him. haha.

This isn't ours but it looks similar and I can see a picture just like this of it in the future.

Other than that, no big news to report. We've both been working hard and thinking of what we want to do in the Spring. I am usually not one who complains about snow and cold weather but I'm definitely ready to get out and start riding our bikes outside and doing things in the sun.
We've both been working out at home with our treadmill and it just isn't the same as being outside. I can only stare at our closet doors for so long and then I'm done. :)

My sister Kacee is going to be moving in with us. We figure we'll both benefit from it. She needs a place to stay and we have a big house that has a lot of extra room so why not earn a little extra cash to help us pay our bills and save some money.
We've also been begging RJ's little brother Jake to move in. We both love him to death and think he's pretty awesome so we want him to move in.

RJ's dad has been in the hospital. I hate that feeling because you want to say so many things and I just don't know how. I hope he gets feeling better and that we can help them in whatever ways we can. It's hard to see someone you love feeling so gross. Last night we took him and the family donuts. I know.. not the healthiest but they were yummy.

Anyway... things have been going good and I hope everyone else's February is good too. :)