Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2010

I can't believe that this year is almost over! It has been such a good year for me and I am excited for next year also. Here are a few things that I have been up to in December ---

We started December off with my first ever trip to Joe's Crab Shack for Mark's [my dad in law's birthday]. It was delicious and I am definitely going to branch out and try new food more often because it tasted sooo good! My family always makes me laugh and this time was no exception.

I went to Disney on Ice with my Mom, Alishia, and my Aunt Christie. It was a lot of fun and good to spend some girl time with my family.

This is my sister Kacee & Astorea on Astorea's birthday. I thought it was a really cute picture.

Piggin out for dinner -- I'm actually finally learning how to cook and have a desire to cook things. It's fun.

Schnitzel in her cute winter coat. She won't go anywhere without it. I don't blame her though. She has tiny legs and her belly drags through the snow.

Our Christmas Tree. It has been fun decorating in our new house and I love that we have a place that is our own and that we can put up a Christmas Tree in for a lot more years. Don't mind our dog's evil eyes. haha.

This is my Grandparent's Christmas Tree. I helped them set it up this year and last year too. It is fun going over there and hearing stories from my grandpa. He showed me pictures of his mission in Germany. It is incredible to me that just by looking at the picture he can tell you where it is at and how far into his mission that was and what the people were like there. He is a great example to me and I love hearing all about his past and Germany which is where he is from.

And lastly, because my computer won't let me upload the pictures from our new camera -- Alishia, Kacee, Astorea, RJ and I made Gingerbread houses the other night. It was so much fun. Alishia made the first house in the picture, Kacee and Astorea's is second, and the little village that looks like it was hit by a candy tornado was RJ & I's. Let's just say I'm not the most patient person. It was great to spend time with 2 of my sisters.

Christmas is only a few days away!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

God Always Has a Way of Straightening Things Out

This is my all time favorite Christmas story so I thought I'd share it with all of you. It's not really a Christmas story, I just love it this time of year. It's actually after a song by Clay Walker.

One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road. Even in the dim evening light he could see that she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her. Even with a smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe; he was poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you. He said, "I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson." Well all she had was a flat tire but for an old lady that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under her car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire but he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.

Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never though twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help she could give that person the assistance they needed and Bryan added, "and think of me". He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat and take the chill of before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered, Bryan...

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a $100 dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be; then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady had written: "You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Don't let this chain of love end with you." Under the napkin were 4 more $100 dollar bills.

Well there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard...

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered softly in his ear, "Everything's going to be alright.
I love you, Bryan Anderson."

Friday, December 10, 2010


I just read that Brian David Mitchell in the Elizabeth Smart case was found guilty with no mental illness. This makes me happy and sad on many levels.

I will sleep better tonight knowing that there is justice for Elizabeth Smart. She deserves this closure and end to all the hell that she was put through. I hope that she is a little bit more at peace tonight. I hope that she can find the closure that she needs and will be able to move on with her life. I think she's already done a great job at trying to sort everything out and not blame the world for what has happened to her.

I think she's a very strong individual and I hope that she is happy.

I'm also a little bit sad for everyone involved. Sad that this happened at all, sad that no matter what justice was served or how things have turned out, some if not all of them will have emotional damage from this. It may make you stronger as a person but no one should have to go through losing a daughter/sister/father or anything for that matter. I feel sad for Brian David Mitchell's family. They'll be sleeping a little worse knowing that their son/father/friend didn't turn out to be a very good guy. His step-daughter in this situation gets the lose/lose end of the deal. Even though she knows that what he did was wrong and that he needs to be in prison, it still means that she has to live without him.

It makes me grateful for what I have and that I have had a relatively good life with little to fret over. I'm happy that there is a verdict and that decisions have been made so that everyone has closure, but I think a little sadness is there.

I remember back when she was kidnapped. She's only a couple  years older than me and it scared me a lot thinking that it could happen to me and that she must be feeling so empty and so alone. It makes me very grateful for what I have and all the loving people in my life that I can hug a little bit tighter.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ron Weasley and uh... babies????

So for all of you that don't know... I love Harry Potter. No, I don't love the movie characters or even the movies, but if he was a true person (er.. "wizard") and not a mythical book character, I'd totally be all over him. But more than Harry himself I have a huge thing for Ron Weasley. Huge closet fan. haha.

So much to my surprise and delight guess who the star of my dreams was last night? You guessed it, Ronald himself. Weird dream actually, it didn't seem like anything was happening. All I know is that he was in it. And I liked it. Don't worry, nothing X rated. RJ was actually in the dream too.
So this morning after I wake up, RJ is doing his hair and I jump up and down and say... guess what I dreamed about, guess what I dreamed about?!?!?!!?!
I proceed to tell him my whole dream and he just laughs. Then he tells me that he had a really realistic dream and so I have him tell me.
His dream was that we were at home and he remembered that we needed to go pickup my birth control prescription. But... as he reminds me I sit him down and tell him that I don't need it, that we're going to have a baby. And he was happy about it. 

Everyone knows that RJ and I are not ready for a baby yet. He avoids everything about babies at all costs. Our parents hound us day and night about grandchildren and he distantly says... someday. So this wasn't a pleasant dream for RJ. haha. More like a nightmare I think. So I teased him this morning and told him that it was a premonition and we should get busy having babies. With the dullest voice I think he could muster he says... sure.
Like if I had asked him if he'd like to have his fingernails ripped off one by one. Sure.

Anyway, I think it's hilarious and I think this is teasing worthy for at least a couple of days.

But back to things that really do happen...
We went to the Jazz game last night! It was so much fun. They played the Grizzlies and won by a handful of points. It was a great game to follow and watch. When they win by a million points it's not fun to watch, also when they lose it's not great to watch either. My boss gave me 2 tickets to go and I couldn't have been more excited. Thanks Joe! We don't get to go very often but I think next season we'll try to make it to a few games.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I know Thanksgiving was yesterday, but I didn't get to say how thankful I am for all the people in my life.

RJ - I am forever grateful to him for always being there for me and being such a great guy. He really is one of a kind and I'm glad that he's mine. I'm thankful that he's such a hard worker and willing to put in the time to make our marriage good. He tries his hardest at everything he does and I really admire that in him.

My family and my parents - Yes I realize that my parents are my family but I am extra grateful to them for always being there for us and for giving us advice and support and loving us through it all. I am grateful that they made my wedding so perfect and that I can go to them anytime for advice or for someone to listen to me rant. I am also very grateful for my brother and sisters. They are always making me laugh and making me feel better when I have a bad day. They show how much they care for me and they love me regardless of how different we are or how far away they live.

I am especially grateful for my new family, RJ's family. They have welcomed me into their little family and given me so much already. They are always there making sure that we're well fed or doing what is right. They are making sure that we are having a good day and they really care about us and how we're doing. I have come to love them so much and I feel like they've been part of my family forever. I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

My grandparents - They are leading examples in my life and they are so caring and loving to me even though they have their own lives to lead. They are always showing concern and love for RJ and I.

It is really great to have so many people that care for you and are watching out for you.

I'm also grateful that I have a good job and that we were able to buy a house and do so many of the things that we've always wanted to do. It's been such a great year and I can't believe it's almost over. I hope next year is as good as this year because I have been very blessed.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts Running Through My Head

Things today that I just need to get off my chest..

1. Could it snow already?! I am so ready for it to be wintertime and to get into the holiday spirit, but I cannot do it when it's 60 degrees outside and the leaves haven't even fallen off of the trees yet. Thanksgiving is a week away and I still feel like we're in September. Bring on the snow, snow gods! I'm ready for winter.

2. Christmas present guessing. I hate guessing what people want for Christmas. I have the hardest time thinking of creative things to buy that they will actually want. I am a advocate for gift cards, but some people think that they are not very personal. Which no, I didn't go to great lengths to find you the perfect present because I've been thinking about what to get you since July and I still haven't come up with anything good!

3. Patience people... has no one ever heard of it? At work all I hear is... can it be now? Can you get a hold of them now even though they just went on their lunch break? No. No, I cannot get a hold of them now. You'll have to wait until they get back from lunch. Go eat your own lunch for half an hour and then call back. They will be here then. Then I can help you.

4. I love getting home from work and starting dinner before RJ gets home. I love feeling the heater kick on and putting on jeans instead of work pants. I love the smell of good food, and I love that I actually can cook a few things nowadays. I have become all domesticated and I love it! I love playing with the dogs and scratching their heads and telling them that I missed them. Then RJ comes home and that is a post for another day. :]

5. Rude People... seriously, get a life. Quit being rude. It's not that hard to be nice.

6. Sour gummy worms.. All I need to say is yum. I have been eating these by the bucket-full lately. They are sooooo good! Oh and also a new addiction: White Chocolate Hot Chocolate. It is to die for and I could drink vats of it at a time.

7. Cold season... sucks. I have had a non stop headache for weeks and am not just developing a sore throat. I am renaming November, No-Fun-ber because no one feels good enough to go out these days.

8. I am very thankful this month for my grandparents. They struggle and have to work through their daily lives but they still make Sunday so enjoyable for the rest of the family. My grandpa puts in a lot of time cooking for us and making sure that we have a good Sunday dinner. I don't think I've ever told them how much I have come to love Sunday dinner and how it has been a cherished tradition ever since I can remember. I take for granted all that they have done for me. I love them very much and it is very hard to see them get older and to see their health decline, but I know that they are happy and they wouldn't trade Sundays for anything.

That is all. These are just some things that I have been thinking about lately on my drives to and from work. I love the winter season and I am so excited for the holidays coming up.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

You Know When You Want To Say Thank You, But You Just Don't Know How?

I have had some great examples in my life.
People that have truly molded me and made me the person that I am today.

They were intelligent and kind, and not afraid to be loving and thoughtful to me even though I'm sure their lives weren't any easier than the next persons.
I have looked up to a few good people in my life and they have made a huge impact on me. Whether they meant to or not.

Sometimes it's a woman in the grocery store, the way she's talking to her children. She's being a great example to me and she doesn't even know it. That is my favorite because she's impacted my life so much, but she was just living hers. And it may not have even been one of her better days.

The others have been constant people in my life that I have looked up to and they have helped me grow. And I want to say thank you. Not out loud and not mentioning names, but deep inside I hope they are happy because they have made me happy.

They have helped me be a good person and helped me to establish values and beliefs in myself that I didn't have before. They show me constantly that I can be growing and making myself a better person.

I am a quiet person and I don't always know how to tell these people thank you, and some of them I don't have the chance to anymore, but this post is for all of those delightful people that have changed me so much. I think about them often and I hope their lives are going the way they want, but if they're not I know they can get through it because they have taught me to be strong and make the best of my life. If I could be only as half as great as them, I would be grateful.

So... Thank You.
You mean so much to me.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who's He?

I saw this on a couple of blogs and it looked like fun. :) So here goes...

What is his name?
Ronald Jeremy Nestman

How long have you been together?
Since November 2007

(Our first picture together)

How long did you date?
We dated for 18 months and then were engaged for nine months so
a grand total of 2 years and 3 months.

(The day we called it "official")
How old is he?

Who eats more?
It's sad but we can actually eat the same amount... He has a small
appetite for being a guy. But he sneaks in midnight snacks while I'm sleeping. Usually it is Bunny Tracks Ice Cream. :)

Who said I love you first?
It was him, but I'd been dying for him to tell me for a couple of months.

Who's Taller?
He is by about 4 inches. But if I'm wearing shoes especially heels we can be pretty even.
Who can sing better?
I sing a lot more, but I don't know about better. RJ only sings when he things no one is listening. It's my life's goal to get him to sing me a song. :)

(We always sing to James Blunt)

Who is smarter?
I think it depends... I am more book smart in some areas; like history and English; but he has way more common sense and street smarts. And he's also really smart with cars and he reads people really well. He can gauge a persons feelings before they even talk. But I can totally school him in putting in anything electrical. I think it pays off to be an Electrician's daughter.

Who does the laundry?
He washes the clothes, I fold the clothes. Or they get left on the floor until we've used them all... either way. :)

Who pays the bills?
I do, with input once in a while. I don't think he could tell you how much we have in our checking accounts though, or how much we owe on our loans.

Who sleeps on the right side?
Me, but when he gets out of bed in the morning. I roll over and sleep on his pillow. It is warm and smells like him. :)

Who mows the lawn?
I do most of the time. It gets dark before RJ gets home at night. Sometimes we take turns. I do the back, he does the front, or vise versa. I like mowing the lawn so I always do it before he gets to it.

Who cooks dinner?
It's split in the middle. We each pull our own weight in the kitchen. We generally make dinner together.

Who drives?
It depends. Most of the time him, but if I feel like it then I do. It depends on what vehicle we're in also. I drive when we're in the car a lot.

(I want a convertible)

Who is more stubborn?
haha. RJ and I are both extremely stubborn people and with opposite personalities it shows a lot. But we respect each other's opinions and we generally agree to disagree.

Who kissed who first?
It was a mutual thing. I think we both went in at the same time.

Who asked who out first?
RJ took me to Ikea when it first opened. :)

Who proposed?
He did, with much convincing him that I wouldn't tear his heart out later on down the road.

Who has more friends?
He probably does, he's a lot more social than I am and he likes to have get togethers. I would rather stay at home and be with just him. We hang out with my family/friends more often though.

Who is more sensitive?
He'll deny it, but I am. He is a boy and his attitude is, "Rub some dirt on it". haha. But he does have sensitive moments.

Who has more siblings?
me by 1.

Who wears the pants?
I really think that it's pretty even. If it's something that either of us are certain about or want really bad, then we usually just do what the other wants because there is no changing our minds once it's made up. I think that I'm more demanding, but he also likes things his way.

All in all, I'd say I'm a pretty lucky girl to have him. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boys Trip Turns to Couples Trip!

Oh No!!!!
The boys Moab trip has now turned into a couples Moab trip!

Do you know what this means?!?! Now I have to get into shape too. Yikes.

So RJ nonchalantly tells me that not only is he going to Moab in a couple of weeks, that I am coming along too and it's going to be 90% in the saddle. It's going to be interesting unless I kick it into gear and get into shape!

Wish me luck. I am scared to death but hopefully it'll be fun and that everyone won't waste me. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am so excited for fall to be here. It is by far my favorite season and winter is a close second favorite. I have a feeling the next little while is going to be great for me. I am already getting excited for the holiday season and I'm happy that it's coming fast.

So much happens in between posts that it's hard to remember what has been going on.

So far...

We've spent the last two nights with Lance in the hospital. He had a mix of bronchitis along with something else that they were still determining as of last night. He came home today and I hope that he's feeling much better. He hasn't looked very good in weeks, and just in the last two days he's looking much better. Most of my family has been there with him and it's been so good to be with them and get to chat. It's really hard having them so far away and not getting to spend as much time as I'd like with them. I love the jokes that my family shares and they're just not the same with anyone else.

Maybe except RJ. Man, I have missed him so much these last couple weeks because we have been so busy. It's like I just can't get enough of being with him. I know that sounds so cheesy but I guess that's what happens when you are newlyweds. Forgive us for being cheesy and when it's your turn we won't judge too harshly. :)

My favorite thing in the entire world is to go and get Starbucks with RJ. Since technically a coffee shop was RJ and I's first date it holds a special little place in my heart. I love the smells and being able to spend time with each other with good drinks. I know you probably don't understand, but that's okay. It's kind of a RJ and I thing... and I'm okay with that.

RJ is going on a boy's Moab trip in October so he said that he needs to get into better shape before then so we're planning on going up Mueller Park tomorrow on our bikes. RJ doesn't read my blog so I can tell you without him seeing that I secretly love Mueller Park. I always complain to RJ and he thinks I hate it but I love going up there in the fall. The smells and the feeling on your skin especially when it would be too cold to just walk, but since you're sweating from riding it's the perfect temperature. Mostly I just like knowing that I'm physically pushing myself to do something that I think is really hard! It hasn't come that easily for me so it's nice to feel like I'm excelling and getting better everytime we go.

Anyway.. just some of my thoughts. I'm excited for the next couple of months and I really like my new job. I love everyone that I work with and I'm so excited to get to know them better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another Chapter...

And so a new chapter begins. 
I'm leaving my job of three years and going to a whole different industry and on opposite sides of the valley. It's going to be a huge change for me. 
I'm definitely so excited to start this new phase and I can't wait to learn new things and excel at what I'm doing, but I'm definitely anxious to get started with it and get going. 
This entire week I've been having the most off the wall dreams. Dreams that the world is ending and dinosaurs are coming back... seriously.. I really dreamed that. haha. 

I think that my mind is coming to terms with everything changing and preparing for new. 
I'm so excited and hopefully I can post soon and tell you how amazing my new job is. 
I will let you know. 

On the other hand, things around our house have been good. We've been doing lots of fun things and just getting settled into our new house. 

I've decided that I'm going to get into shape and tone up so I got the Insanity workout DVD's. Yikes. I haven't started yet, but I'm going to tonight. Wish me luck! I will need it. 

We also have been doing lots of yard work and making our backyard look really great. We put in a firepit with a little rock patio, minus the actual firepit. (We're still working on that). 

I have finally cleaned all of the junk out of one of our spare rooms to make a "Yoga Room". More just an exercise room where I can keep all of my stuff and have the whole floor to workout. It's difficult when you have to work around the bed. haha. I'm going to paint it an extreme color and decorate with motivating pictures and make it so I will be excited to workout everyday.

Also we had one of our home teachers drop by last night. It was good to meet him and I love meeting more and more neighbors. This particular neighbor has a little boy that is in love with our dog. Hopefully they tired each other out last night.  

Anyway... I just wanted to update and let everyone know that if I get weird emotional or yell for no reason it's probably because I'm adapting to a new lifestyle and trying to make everything normal again. :] 


Friday, July 9, 2010

You Think You Know, But Do You Really Know?

Just some random thoughts that I've had lately... 

There should be waaaay more hours to sleep at night. I love it in the winter when it gets dark at 5, because then you have an excuse to go to bed at 8. Is that normal? 

People always tell you buying a house is well worth it in the long run. I'm at the starting line and it isn't as easy as everyone makes it out to be. I've done more yard work in the last month than in my whole life. It's well worth it and rewarding in the end, but I feel like I need to get a pedicure soon so that I'll start feeling more like a girl. 

{It's looking much more active and lively now}

RJ has the cutest face. I love how sexy and fun he is. He makes all of life's not so good things worth it. 

I like when it rains during the summer. The slight relief from the sun and the little bit of humidity reminds me of Seattle. It makes me wish I was there. And then I think of the band Owl City, and then I think of our honeymoon, and us getting married, and it just keeps trailing from there; Which in turn makes me happy. :] 

What is right and what is wrong? Now that I have to determine that for myself and no one can tell me what to do I've been evaluating the black and white area of it and if there is any gray area on the subject. Something to think about... 

I loooooove sweets. I have the biggest sweet tooth and I actually have started baking! I made Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Pudding Filling with Vanilla Icing last week. They were AmAzInG! I wish I could make them everyday... but then I'd probably gain a million pounds. I have to give a special thank you to the Food Network Channel for inspiring me to bake more and actually bake creative things. Not just Mac and Cheese. Which I also love. 

{They looked a lot like the picture below, without the delicious looking cookie on the top!}

Animals are cute, until you have one in your house. Then... that leaves a little bit to be desired. 

I want bangs! I am thinking of switching up my style, but not sure I'm ready to commit to something so drastic... I'm still thinking though. 

{Kinda, sorta, maybe think I could pull it off???}

I'm trying to have a more positive outlook on life.. Trying to be more chill and act like a civilized social person. I feel comfortable being shy and sulky and letting awkward silences be... awkward, but I'm trying to put a stop to it. Trying to be entertaining and elegant. Wish me luck! :]

{This picture makes me want to be happy and enjoy the simple things in life}

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Little Life

So much has happened the last couple months. It seems like there has been so much to do and we've accomplished so much, but time is going by so slow. It has been good and I've been able to enjoy all the fun stuff in life that won't happen very often. 

RJ and I have been married for 2 months on the 22nd. This makes me super happy because it's something that I've wanted for such a long time and now that it's happened it couldn't be any better. RJ and I are happier than ever and I can't complain one bit about anything. Well... if we were millionaires that'd be nice, but I guess you have to work for that. :] 

We went on our honeymoon to Vancouver, Canada which was a blast. It was definitely new and exciting and terrifying to drive around but we were able to spend time with each other and see all the wonderful gorgeous sites that are in Vancouver. My favorite thing we did was go to the Vancouver Aquarium and also hiking through huge gorgeous trees and taking tons of pictures. All in all it was amazing. Even the drive wasn't bad. 

Then once we got home we were in a major rush and we bought a house! To me this is a huge accomplishment that we couldn't have done alone and it has been scary and stressful, but well worth it now that we're in and paying for something that is actually ours. We're currently housing my sister Kacee and RJ's brother Rich which is actually pretty fun too. It's a house full of people, but it has been good. 

We also got 2 little kitties. I love animals. I grew up with a zillion and I've definitely cut back a lot, but it's fun to have the new additions. Their names are Moo and Revee. Moo is just Moo and if you met her you would think her name just matched, and Revee is a slightly modified version of "sleep" in French and actually fits her well as that is what she does most of the day. 

We've been staying very busy but are having so much fun! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

~Mad Crazy Life~

Life has been so much fun and hectic lately! I am not officially a Mrs. and not just a Mrs. but a Mrs. Nestman which is the best feeling in the whole world. It is such a great feeling knowing that I've finally wrestled down my best friend and married him forever. I'm pretty excited for the rest of my life. It has been a long time coming and I can't wait for what's going to come next. 
Our wedding went so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for anything better. It was beautiful and my dad made me cry. 
Also, we're buying a house! It's been a long process with a little bit of frustrations and saving money but it's been well worth it and I'm really excited to buy a house with RJ and make it ours and invite everyone over to see it. It makes me feel so good. I can't really imagine life being any better than it is now. I really couldn't ask for more. 

I'm really grateful for my husband. (haha. So weird to say..) He really makes life all worth it and I can't imagine my life without him. He makes everyday fun and special. I want to be a good wifey and cook him dinner and wash his clothes just so that he is happy, which in turn makes me happy. haha. 

Anyway.. I'm not going to be grossly romantic anymore, but life is good. I'm happy. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010


This year has been crazy already and it just started! I can tell it's going to be an exciting year. RJ and I are moving in a couple of weeks. Our lease is up and we're moving from the condo we're in now, across the street to The Village on Main Street apartments. It's funny because we're moving from Centerville to Bountiful and we're just moving across the street. RJ and I laughed about it, but then again we're easily amused. 

So it's been hectic trying to clean our house and pack up everything we have. Plus we're moving from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 bedroom so we have to condense all of our crap which I'm not quite as excited about. 

I have the winter jitters. I am getting antsy for spring for so many reasons. One because despite all my grumbling last year to RJ, I really miss mountain biking. I didn't realize how much of a de-stresser it really is. I can't wait to peddle up Mueller Park yelling at RJ that I'm not going to speak to him for an entire day if he doesn't slow down. haha. [sadly, this is a true story and has happened once.. or twice before]. 

I'm also excited to be looking forward to buying a house and planting roots. I am excited to own something that I can paint the colors I like and also if I don't like the way the tile looks in the bathroom I can change it anytime I want. I am so ready to become a domesticated housewife with a garden and chickens. I know it sounds lame, but you just don't have a home without a chicken or two grazing around your backyard. [I'm such a country girl, it's pathetic]. 

I saved the best for last. The thing I am most excited for in spring is to GET MARRIED. I know it seems like this is all I talk about but I just can't help it. I'm also really really nervous. You kind of have a point where you realize your entire life is going to change and that you have to make major decisions that will last forever. I'm still very excited but you get the.. wait.. I'm doing what?! thoughts every now and again. I love RJ more than anything and I want us to be married forever and always. I have no doubt that we will.

I love winter for so many reasons. Life slows down, you get to wear layers and cute scarves and beanies and gloves, but I'm waiting [impatiently] for spring to get here so that it can bring so many things that I enjoy.