I can't believe that this year is almost over! It has been such a good year for me and I am excited for next year also. Here are a few things that I have been up to in December ---
We started December off with my first ever trip to Joe's Crab Shack for Mark's [my dad in law's birthday]. It was delicious and I am definitely going to branch out and try new food more often because it tasted sooo good! My family always makes me laugh and this time was no exception.
I went to Disney on Ice with my Mom, Alishia, and my Aunt Christie. It was a lot of fun and good to spend some girl time with my family.
This is my sister Kacee & Astorea on Astorea's birthday. I thought it was a really cute picture.
Piggin out for dinner -- I'm actually finally learning how to cook and have a desire to cook things. It's fun.
Schnitzel in her cute winter coat. She won't go anywhere without it. I don't blame her though. She has tiny legs and her belly drags through the snow.
Our Christmas Tree. It has been fun decorating in our new house and I love that we have a place that is our own and that we can put up a Christmas Tree in for a lot more years. Don't mind our dog's evil eyes. haha.

This is my Grandparent's Christmas Tree. I helped them set it up this year and last year too. It is fun going over there and hearing stories from my grandpa. He showed me pictures of his mission in Germany. It is incredible to me that just by looking at the picture he can tell you where it is at and how far into his mission that was and what the people were like there. He is a great example to me and I love hearing all about his past and Germany which is where he is from.
And lastly, because my computer won't let me upload the pictures from our new camera -- Alishia, Kacee, Astorea, RJ and I made Gingerbread houses the other night. It was so much fun. Alishia made the first house in the picture, Kacee and Astorea's is second, and the little village that looks like it was hit by a candy tornado was RJ & I's. Let's just say I'm not the most patient person. It was great to spend time with 2 of my sisters.
Christmas is only a few days away!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!