Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Little Life

So much has happened the last couple months. It seems like there has been so much to do and we've accomplished so much, but time is going by so slow. It has been good and I've been able to enjoy all the fun stuff in life that won't happen very often. 

RJ and I have been married for 2 months on the 22nd. This makes me super happy because it's something that I've wanted for such a long time and now that it's happened it couldn't be any better. RJ and I are happier than ever and I can't complain one bit about anything. Well... if we were millionaires that'd be nice, but I guess you have to work for that. :] 

We went on our honeymoon to Vancouver, Canada which was a blast. It was definitely new and exciting and terrifying to drive around but we were able to spend time with each other and see all the wonderful gorgeous sites that are in Vancouver. My favorite thing we did was go to the Vancouver Aquarium and also hiking through huge gorgeous trees and taking tons of pictures. All in all it was amazing. Even the drive wasn't bad. 

Then once we got home we were in a major rush and we bought a house! To me this is a huge accomplishment that we couldn't have done alone and it has been scary and stressful, but well worth it now that we're in and paying for something that is actually ours. We're currently housing my sister Kacee and RJ's brother Rich which is actually pretty fun too. It's a house full of people, but it has been good. 

We also got 2 little kitties. I love animals. I grew up with a zillion and I've definitely cut back a lot, but it's fun to have the new additions. Their names are Moo and Revee. Moo is just Moo and if you met her you would think her name just matched, and Revee is a slightly modified version of "sleep" in French and actually fits her well as that is what she does most of the day. 

We've been staying very busy but are having so much fun!