We have learned where Mom's rollers are and how they work...
We, meaning Jocelyn, have decided that we cannot go to bed without an entourage of dolls, water, blankets, and stuffed llamas.
After this incident, we, meaning Mom, decided Jocelyn falling asleep in our bed was cramping our style, so out she went. It's going well so far. She'll fall asleep in her own bed after you read her 8 bazillion stories and 5 Frozen YouTube videos.
We have gotten ready and visited Dad on Saturdays. This picture shows her curly hair. And how big she is getting... *sniff sniff
We have gone on many car rides that must include Lorraine the llama. Thanks a lot Mom and Dad. Best Christmas present ever. Also notice that we cannot get in the car without Jocelyn taking her shoes and socks off.
For Jocelyn's birthday, we, meaning RJ and I, got a fish tank. To say we're all enthralled is an understatement.
We have been painting... There is nothing like a new color and fresh coat of paint to make a room seem new again.
We have also been on family breakfast dates. Waffles for everyone.
We have been ice skating. Which makes you realize how old you are when you are sore the next day. Or is that just me?
We took a rare picture of RJ and I alone. Which makes me very happy.
We also have some pretty big news... that I'll tell you tomorrow. :D
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