Thursday, April 18, 2013

Okay Fine... I'll Pickup the Weights

Lately I have had so much workout inspiration around me. I have a beautiful cousin that has worked her butt off and lost a bunch of weight. She's months away from entering a Figure Competition. I am proud and excited for her. She deserves this.

And then there's me... slogging around and eating crappy.

I keep pinning motivational pictures and workouts on Pinterest in hopes that once I get home at night I'll want to workout... but of course the time rolls around and I don't do it.

I really haven't cared much about working out or eating right, but I have noticed it has taken a major toll on my physical appearance as well as how I see myself mentally.

I really need to get motivated and kick myself into gear. So here is my declaration! I will start eating right and working out again and get in the best shape I ever have been. :)

I want to feel good about myself and most of all be healthy and set a good example for J. I don't want her growing up battling with issues of self-image. I want to teach her the right ways to stay healthy and fit and have a great self worth no matter what size or shape she is. The best way to do this is by being an example.

So I'll be pasting up a motivational picture on the fridge and telling myself that I can do it!

Oh and just because...

J being the cutest child ever.. as always.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weber State can kiss my tush...
I am not sure why I pay to torture myself.
I'm taking a math class that is leaning me close to driving off a cliff.

I'm down to the last little bit...
I have one quiz, one test, and then the final to take.

I went to take the quiz yesterday. I drove up there on my lunch break at work and just as I was getting out of the car remembered that my Driver's License, which you must have, was in the other car.


Drive back to work. I was going to take the test after work yesterday too, but no go. RJ had my License in West Jordan.

And my shoe broke while I was there!!!

Try Numero Dos:

Drive up during lunch with License and feeling good about it.

Take Quiz. 68.5%. You must have 70% to move on... Almost cry, but I held it together.

Get out to car... Parking Ticket.

Weber... you suck.

But we're still on for 5:30 tonight right?...

See you then. :)

I Guess You Could Call It Love

April = Busy.
Busy at work... busy at school... busy with baby... busy with emotions.
I am just realizing that I have to take life one day at a time to survive. I could probably sleep for a week straight if there were no interuptions and I cry almost everytime I fail a math quiz at school, but things are looking up.
It's really a catch, because on one hand I want Jocelyn to get growing up so we can do awesome things together and teach her new things. But on the other hand, I never want her out of this adorable baby phase where she'll cuddle with me and coo til her heart's content.
I am loving her at three months. She's getting so social and interactive and I love playing with her after work. She's just so happy with everything around her and I can't get enough of her smiles.
This being a mom business has been the easiest thing to transition to that I have ever had to do. Living and marrying RJ was pretty easy too, but I love being a mom to this little thing. Getting up in the middle of the night is hard. But she can't help when she's not tired or needs her diaper changed... so I can't get mad at her sweet little face. Even when I want to be.
She is soooo easy going. I think she gets that from her dad. She watches tv like nobody's business and will laugh and yell at the tv until everyone around cracks up laughing. She loves sleeping in RJ and I's bed in the morning. She'll wake up in her crib cooing and fussy and then you'll put her in bed with us and she'll snuggle up and she'll fall right back to sleep or crack a bunch of smiles and just lay there content.
I already can't imagine her moving out someday. I want her to stay in my arms forever. Hopefully her sassy attitude will change my mind when she's a teenager.
I love that I have such good support around me. My family has been so wonderful babysitting and loving her. I love being able to gush about her to all of them and they know how I feel. And Jocelyn loves them as much as they love her. She'll always give a big smile for them when she sees them.
I don't think anybody loves her as much as her dad does. He'll peek-a-boo with her for hours. If he ever thought he was a badass... he was wrong. His heart is goo when it comes to her.
Although he does ignore her screaming in the middle of the night.... He just waits until I can't take it any longer. :D
I never thought having a baby would be so good for me.
I have grown and learned many a lesson in the last three months that have changed my way of thinking and how I react to certain situations.
Like becoming a puddle of tears everytime a family based commercial or video plays... I'm still blaming the hormones. :)
I feel like the last few months have been hell, but also the best time of our lives. We have been through some really tough situations and endured a lot of days where we didn't want to feel or have any emotions at all. And I feel like it's just finally starting to look up. But J has made those hard days good. She's there cuddling with you, or watching you and I just can't help but feel good.
I feel lucky to call her and her 80 million dirty diapers a day all mine.