Friday, September 28, 2012

24 Weeks

How far along?
 24 Weeks & 4 Days

Total weight gain:
13lbs at my last appointment.
I haven't been feeling so great this month so I'm thinking probably not as much at my next appointment.

Maternity clothes?
 Still in my same jeans but I am down to only 2-3 pairs that fit well.
Mostly maternity shirts, but I am still trying to squeeze into a few stretchy old ones.
Those are the days I feel like a big fat stuffed turkey though.

Stretch marks?
 Not yet, but I feel like I get bigger by the day so we'll see.
I am getting that odd brown line that goes down from your belly button- it's fascinating in an odd way.

Haven't been able to get comfortable this week.

Best moment this week:
  Getting bigger :) Feeling baby move even more. Last night I swear she was jumping up and down in there. I had RJ run in to feel it and the second he put his hand on my stomach... nothing.

Miss Anything?
Sleeping on my stomach and caffeinated coffee.

Loves to jab me- Mostly when I haven't eaten for a while.
Kid likes to eat. Can I blame her?

Food cravings:
 I've been feeling a little under the weather this week so NOTHING has sounded good.
Except Mashed Potatoes. I would eat those if they didn't take a million years to make.
Maybe I can convince RJ to make them for me while I'm at school tonight.

Anything making you queasy or sick:


Labor Signs:

I just feel like a stuffed turkey this week. My back is achy and it's hard to get comfortable anywhere.

Belly Button in or out? 

Wedding rings on or off? 

On technically... it's still at the jewelers getting fixed so it's off at the moment. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: 

Emotional! I could cry at anything these days!

Looking forward to:  

my friend Brittany just had her baby and she had the most touching personal birth story on her blog and it made me so excited for my baby to get here. I know I still have quite a while, but I am so excited for January. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


23 weeks down on the ol' calendar. 
It has been awesome so far so we'll see how the downward slope goes. 
I figure if it isn't good I can always wash away my pain into Pumpkin Pie around the holidays. :) 

The last couple of weeks have been crazy with school and family things. 
I feel like we haven't really gotten anything prepared for the kid just yet, but I think we'll start to make progress in the next month or so. 

A couple of weeks ago we found a cute changing table on KSL so we drove down to who knows where and picked it up. We're going to paint all the furniture black so this weekend I sanded it down and now it's ready to paint. 

You did read that right... I as in... a pregnant lady sanded this puppy all by myself. It was a lot of work but it actually felt really good to do it. I have a new sense of gratitude for RJ and for how much work he puts into things that I tell him to do. It's not easy and I didn't even realize how much time and energy goes into the "little projects" that I give RJ.

This pictures cracks me up! We went to the State Fair this year and had a lot of fun. We went with my sister and RJ's little sister.

This was at the rodeo. I've been going to it since I was really little so it is always fun to go and remember all the fun times that I had when I was little.

My family always rode the "big yellow slide" after the rodeo so of course we did. :)

We've been loving the fall weather at our house. We even cranked up the fireplace last weekend because it got a little chilly. I loved it.

And so did the puppies.

Last Saturday while RJ was at work I got this crazy idea to redo our laundry room because it is so grungy and gross in there. One of the times I went to the garage to grab one of RJ's tools this little fella was right under my feet. I pretty much about went into labor and then promptly swept it out of the garage with our broom.


This was hiding behind a 2x4 in our laundry room that we didn't know about. Thanks previous owners for making sure the house was as ghetto as possible. Now I have to bribe my dad to come down and make that pretty again.

 Proof that I do occasionally get my bum off the couch to actually work out. It is getting dark earlier now so we usually end up in the dark but we don't mind. After this picture I promptly laid on our bed and was out like a light.

I'm still pregnant as if anyone could forget and it's been more fun to document the growing bump now that I don't just look like I've eaten far too much.

Which brings me to....

How far along?
 23 Weeks & 2 Days
The Ultrasound Tech yesterday said that I was measuring 1 day ahead but I couldn't change my due date. 
So mostly I just go with my baby is an over achiever. :)

Total weight gain/loss: 

A huge jump from my last appointment but the Dr. says it's still cool. 

Maternity clothes? 

 I am wearing a few maternity tops now. Ross is pretty much awesome for buying them. 
I am still in my regular jeans and for the most part can still button them. 

Stretch marks? 
Nope, but I do keep a lookout for them often. 

 Sleeping great... strangely not waking up to pee as much even

Best moment this week: 

Starting to work on Baby J's nursery and getting to see her in an ultrasound yesterday.

Miss Anything? 
Feeling pretty content this week, but RJ did have Pumpkin Ale a few days ago that looked...


sooo much this week. I absolutely love it! 
If you put my phone on my belly and play classical music.. she kicks and squirms. 
Oddly... doesn't do it for any other music. 
I even tried Journey... no go.

Food cravings: 
Nothing crazy this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Not particularly


 Girl! We wanted to get verification at our ultrasound on Monday but she just wasn't having any of it so we didn't get to check for sure. 

Labor Signs:



Feeling great this week! I can't say I really have any symptoms. 

Belly Button in or out? 


Wedding rings on or off? 


Happy or Moody most of the time:  


Looking forward to:

Nursery decorating! 

Can I just say how lucky I am for RJ.
He has been such a great person lately and I wouldn't pick anyone else.
We've had kind of a string of bad luck with cars and the house and the extra workload of school too. 

He has been so positive and loving through everything and I guess I just kinda sorta love him a whole lot. 

I can't wait for him to get to meet our little girl because I know he's going to be the best dad.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Numero 21..O

Crazy to think about but I am on the downward slope. 
Only 19 weeks left!
(so long as the kid cooperates and comes when anticipated)

I've been filling my time eating super healthy and exercising like a monster...


All lies. 

This is what my time is filled with- 

Naps. And lots of em. 
I can't seem to keep my eyes open for more than a couple of hours when I'm at home. I try to push it a little longer while I'm at work. :) 

I occasionally fill my time with this- 

Because he's cute... and I like him. And he doesn't complain about my naps. 
Aw... he is cute. 

This week I have definitely felt the effects of being pregnant. I feel like a 90 year old woman most of the time and the rest of the time I feel like an emotional 12 year old girl. Not really my idea of fun, buuuuuttt, you take it as it comes. 

 How far along?
 21 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 
7+ pounds probably. 
I refuse to use the scale I have at home and I won't know for sure until my doctor's appointment next week. 
I'm actually embracing just growing a kid and it's going well. :) 

Maternity clothes?
A couple of shirts, still wearing the same jeans. 

Stretch marks? 

Been sleeping like a log!

Best moment this week:
feeling the baby move!!!!

Miss Anything?
Mountain Biking & Running

I can finally say yes to this question! I have started to feel a pattern during the day when she is moving around and then at night before bed I always put pressure on my stomach and feel for a couple good movements and then I can sleep happily. :)
It's kind of the best feeling in the world. 

Food cravings:
Food in general sounds good. Fruit still sounds so good.
Pickles sounded pretty awesome yesterday too but we don't really keep those on hand so... I did without. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Nothing really much this week!

Have you started to show yet: 
Yes, but I get mixed responses. My mom swears to me that I don't look one day pregnant...
I wonder what she thinks the pooch like belly is then. :) 

(Happy Dance)

Sitting for prolonged periods of time makes me stiffen up like rigor-mortise is setting in. 
Back pain
Oh and did I mention fire-breathing heartburn? Yeah... still have that. 

Belly Button in or out?
In it is. 

Wedding rings on or off?
Well currently off, but not because of sausage fingers. One of the diamonds was coming loose so we had to take it in the be fixed. It will be a long couple of weeks. 

Happy or Moody most of the time:
I want to say happy, but this week... mostly emotional. I blame that it's a girl and there's twice as much emotional-ness balled up in there. 

Looking forward to: 
All the holidays are just around the corner and I can't wait for all the fun things we have planned.