How far along?
24 Weeks & 4 Days
Total weight gain:
13lbs at my last appointment.
I haven't been feeling so great this month so I'm thinking probably not as much at my next appointment.
Maternity clothes?
Still in my same jeans but I am down to only 2-3 pairs that fit well.
Mostly maternity shirts, but I am still trying to squeeze into a few stretchy old ones.
Those are the days I feel like a big fat stuffed turkey though.
Stretch marks?
Not yet, but I feel like I get bigger by the day so we'll see.
I am getting that odd brown line that goes down from your belly button- it's fascinating in an odd way.
Haven't been able to get comfortable this week.
Best moment this week:
Getting bigger :) Feeling baby move even more. Last night I swear she was jumping up and down in there. I had RJ run in to feel it and the second he put his hand on my stomach... nothing.
Miss Anything?
Sleeping on my stomach and caffeinated coffee.
Loves to jab me- Mostly when I haven't eaten for a while.
Kid likes to eat. Can I blame her?
Food cravings:
I've been feeling a little under the weather this week so NOTHING has sounded good.
Except Mashed Potatoes. I would eat those if they didn't take a million years to make.
Maybe I can convince RJ to make them for me while I'm at school tonight.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Labor Signs:
Labor Signs:
I just feel like a stuffed turkey this week. My back is achy and it's hard to get comfortable anywhere.
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
On technically... it's still at the jewelers getting fixed so it's off at the moment.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Emotional! I could cry at anything these days!
Looking forward to:
my friend Brittany just had her baby and she had the most touching personal birth story on her blog and it made me so excited for my baby to get here. I know I still have quite a while, but I am so excited for January.
I just feel like a stuffed turkey this week. My back is achy and it's hard to get comfortable anywhere.
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
On technically... it's still at the jewelers getting fixed so it's off at the moment.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Emotional! I could cry at anything these days!
Looking forward to:
my friend Brittany just had her baby and she had the most touching personal birth story on her blog and it made me so excited for my baby to get here. I know I still have quite a while, but I am so excited for January.