Monday, August 27, 2012

Halfway There

I'm halfway there!
This weekend we went up to Idaho to support my little brother and we had a big luncheon with my family and my sister-n-law's family. She is 5 weeks ahead of me and looking so darn cute.
I swear on Saturday night I grew an inch in the belly region. It is so weird how it grows almost overnight.
Baby J doesn't love car rides though. My hips get really stiff and my legs start to cramp up. The 2 1/2 hour drive felt like 50 on the way up there. It could be because I wasn't speaking to RJ though... I'm blaming the pregnancy hormones.
I'm am having so much heartburn (literally) over being halfway there. In one way I'm so excited to finally get to meet the kid that is swimming so happily in my belly, but on the other hand I really like being pregnant. It's weird to say, but it's like a little ball of happiness that you keep with you all the time. I never feel alone and I feel like I always have that constant reminder that we have so much waiting for us next year. It just feels right and I love the feeling.
Anyway... onto the fun stuff....
How far along?
20 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
7lbs at my last appointment, but I'm sure it's more by now.
Maternity Clothes:
My sister bought me 3 adorable shirts that I look forward to wearing. I wore one on Saturday... a little big, a little not... makes me nervous that I'm looking more stuffed everyday. :)
Stretch marks?
Nope, but my belly does itch once in a while. It feels so good to rub lotion on it at night.
Getting it and loving it! I do get pretty stiff, but it hasn't been too bad lately.
Miss Anything:
I would love to get my hair done & some people have said now that I'm pretty far I should be able to highlight my hair, but I just haven't gotten brave enough yet.
Movement: No... touchy subject. Still waiting....
Dr. still assures me it's normal.
Food cravings:
Definitely more sweets now, but they give me heartburn so I try to stay away.
Home cooked food just sounds really good. I think because it's more filling and I ALWAYS feel hungry.
Anything make you queasy or sick?
I have been awesome this week. So awesome that I feel a little guilty that I haven't done physical exercise in waaay too long. Might bust out of the funk and go to the Rec center and lift weights and do the Eliptical machine. Swimming sounds awesome right now too.
Have you started to show yet?
I got my first stranger asking me if I'm pregnant or fat this week so.... I'm going with yes. :D
That makes me happy.
Gender: GIRL
Tight hips when I sit/stand too long
Heartburn, I feel like a fire breathing dragon
and definitely more tired this week than I have been.
Looking forward to:
The next 20 weeks and waddling into school at night with my big belly...
also excited to start feeling the baby move. :)
Happy or moody:
I would say I've been quite happy. I think I'm in a baby happy bubble at the moment.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Sorry folks- I skipped week 18. They all mesh together anyway and my belly has not significantly grown this week so let's just go with it. Okay???? Okay.

Onto week 19...

Picture will come tonight :) Because I'm such a responsible phone owner the camera on my phone got a big scratch on the top so it takes less than ideal pictures now... so RJ will have to take it with his phone.

How far along?
 19.5 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss:
Up about 7 I think...

Maternity clothes?
Nope. On the days I feel the fattest I wear a dress and leggings. But today I completely buttoned up my jeans without any complaint. I'm waiting impatiently to actually look pregnant.

Stretch marks?
None so far! Booyah.

Pillows have become my new best friend. I don't sleep bad but I'm always nervous because sometimes I wake up on my back and apparently you're not supposed to do that. Well please tell my sleeping body that.

Best moment this week:
realizing that I am almost halfway there!

Miss Anything?
Not feeling like a stuffed turkey.

I still haven't been feeling much and it is making me so crazy. My doctor said not to worry at all, but I am seriously ready for some serious ninja moves in there. I think it would give me an added sense of peace knowing that the kid is happily bouncing around in there.

Food cravings:
SALAD SALAD SALAD... and fruit... and I caved and had french fries the other day... They were dangerously delicious.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
 The kitchen pantry still gives me the willies... I promise it's clean in there! I think it's just smell overload in a confined space.

Have you started to show yet:
I can definitely tell, but I haven't been asked by any strangers so I'm going with, youjustlooksortofchubby.

Oh did I forget to mention... IT'S A GIRL!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy with the occasional breakdown in Walmart because RJ didn't like something I did....
Irrational much?

Looking forward to:
All the tea parties that are happening at our house in the next couple of years!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The 17th Week

How far along?
17 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss:
 As of yesterday, up 2 pounds.

Maternity clothes?
 Not yet, just wearing looser shirts and using a rubber band on some of my tighter pants.

Stretch marks?
 No- And great news! At my doctor's appointment yesterday he said if I hadn't already gotten them on my ladies (you know what I'm talking about :D), then chances are that I probably would get minimal to none on my belly. This may not be the actual case, but I was willing to take any and all hope that he gave me.

 Sleeping like a rock.

Best moment this week:
Hearing the baby's heartbeat and learning that we get to find out what it is next Tuesday!

Miss Anything?
I'm feeling pretty content this week, can't complain.

None that I've recognized yet. :(

Food cravings:
 I have had salad for the last 4 days for lunch and dinner. And I'm still not sick of it. If that's not a craving, I don't know what is.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
The nausea has been pretty low key this week-- nothing crazy to report.

Have you started to show yet:
I think I am, but really it just looks like I've got a spare tire around my waist. It's very cute let me tell you.

We'll know Tuesday! The doctor told us that he could try to predict by what it's heartbeat was yesterday but he said it was smack dab in the middle. He wasn't going to try to guess.
I think this is what I get for not wanting to find out in the first place.

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or Moody most of the time:

Looking forward to:
Feeling the baby move and find out what it is!

We picked up a crib yesterday from KSL for 80 bucks. Score!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Little Onion

17 weeks now and we have our next Dr's appointment tomorrow. I am so excited because tomorrow my doctor will schedule my ultrasound appointment for about a week later so... this time next week I just might know if it's a boy or girl swirling around in my stomach.

This week has been so nice. RJ and I have spent a lot of time together doing fun things and I love how close we are. I love that I have the energy!

This last weekend I went with my sister Alishia and cousin Kellie and hike to Cecret Lake up Little Cottonwood Canyon. It was a good hike and we started early so it wasn't extremely hot.

It was a beautiful day!

Lovely Alishia. She's always my hiking buddy and I love that she will go with me.

RJ registered his motorcycle a couple of weeks ago and so that is the ONLY thing he ever wants to do. Rain or shine. This was us going up to his parents house on Sunday.

We look all wind blown, but I actually think it's really fun.

Last night we went and fed the ducks by our house because we had a few hamburger buns that had gone moldy. We should never ever buy bread. It always goes bad and we've only ever eaten a piece or two.

There were so many of them last night and they are WAY too friendly. They get all up by your feet and scared the crap out of me. Ignore RJ's hair. It looks awesome. We of course had to ride the motorcycle to the pond too. :)

When I get home I'll post my 17 week picture and questions. :)

Friday, August 3, 2012


I thought I should get started on my 16 week post. A lot has changed this week and I want to make sure I remember every second so that I can hold it over my teenagers head when they're being brats. :)

And by changes I mean MY BODY!?!?

I will be the first to admit. I have body image issues. I have a hard time finding happiness in what I was given and I'm never toned, skinny, tan, etc... for myself. It has gotten better in the last couple of years but still not in the mindset I ultimately want to be in.

That being said, I just want to throw it out there, that I never wish to pass that trait along to my children. I want them to accept themselves for who they are and while I'm going to teach them a healthy lifestyle, they will never ever know that I am not less than perfectly happy with my body and they will never hear me utter degrading words about myself. Self image is such a difficult thing to change once it has been damaged and I don't want to be someone that creates doubt in my children's mind.

Now that I've jumped off my soapbox, I have gotten HUGE! I swear one day I was thinking I was going to smooth sail my way through this pregnancy wearing the exact same jeans I wore back when I learned I was pregnant and the next day I'm crying as I put on my most loose dress and pretended that I'm wearing it because I just felt like being dressy.
It's so hard because I don't feel like I've gotten any bigger and you definitely still can't tell I'm pregnant, but my body has changed so much. I am excited for the changes and I know that means that I am progressing and growing that little peanut inside of me, but that doesn't make getting dressed in the morning any less depressing. If yoga pants were acceptable to go to work, I can't say I wouldn't wear them everyday... but alas, they are not allowed so I have resorted to the rubberband trick for now. I'm waiting for my mom to come down from Idaho to go to one of those fancy maternity stores with me and give me the emotional support I'm going to need to buy pants that have that big elastic band in the front. I just don't think RJ will cut it on that outing.

Also, speaking of RJ. I know I talk about him a lot. It's either him or this kid because that is what my life consists of right now. RJ has been so great through this. He was so anti having a baby and I was afraid that if I got pregnant that he would be resentful or resistant to the change but after the stick was peed on and he got a few deep breaths in, he has absolutely been wonderful. He has embraced this change and is so excited and supportive. Of course he teases me when I cry over not fitting into my pants and he can't wait until he can call me fat in public and I won't slap him. But he has been so good at letting me be sick and lay on the couch for hours at a time. He lets me go to bed at 8:30 and doesn't pressure me to mountain bike with him. He has been so loving and supportive and I really would rather not ever be without him.

My one complaint about RJ is that he won't go to Fetal Fotos with me and find out what the gender is so that we know a few weeks early. He absolutely thinks it's a waste of money and ridiculous to only find out 2 weeks in advance when our insurance will pay for us to find out in such a short time. He is no fun and such a practical jerk. :) I didn't speak to him the other day because of this... until he put dinner in front of me and then I had to forgive him.

Anway... onto my little survey :) I will post a picture later on tonight.

How Far Along Are You:
16 weeks this last Sunday
Total weight gain/loss: 
I am not sure since I haven't weighed myself since my last appointment, but I have definitely grown a lot this week in the belly department so my guess is I've gained a little bit.

Maternity clothes?
Not yet, but I did buy a shirt the other day with the intention that the belly could expand.
And I'm hoping my mom will rescue me soon and take me to get some fat pants.

Stretch marks?
I haven't noticed any yet. I've been slathering my stomach with lotion every night before bed though. Just in case.

The dreams have been less often which is good, but I just can't ever get comfortable.

Best moment this week:
Finding out we could go to Fetal Fotos and find out what the kid is...
but RJ put the kibosh on that.

Miss Anything?
Feeling skinny.

No :( I am impatiently waiting though. I am hoping in the next couple weeks. Last week I thought I had but I don't think it was actually movement.

Food cravings:
 Nope, but I'm still barfing up spaghetti every time I eat it. I don't barf with anything else, just spaghetti.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Spaghetti & RJ's cologne still smells disgusting to me.

Have you started to show yet: 
Definitely more this week! It's starting to poke out more.  

Gender prediction:
Back to no idea. I am so excited either way.

Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
On and loose.

Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy :)

Looking forward to:
Feeling the movement of the baby and it start to kick.