Last night I went to bed feeling pretty crummy.
RJ and I had been discussing some pretty heavy topics along with having the stress of having our roommate move out on not so pleasant terms. I was feeling pretty down and frankly, I was just sick and tired of being a responsible adult all the time.
Seriously, why do teenagers want to grow up so fast?!
this morning I woke up not much better.
I drug myself out of bed and hopped into the car and immediately turned on my "angry music".
Which happened to be Rise Against.
I listened to a song or two and then it turned to my favorite song, "Swing Life Away".
This is my all time favorite song for soooo many reasons but I listened and I as cheesy as it sounds, I suddenly felt better and knew that today was going to be a good day.
And it has been!
I got to work and everything has just gone up from there. I am pretty caught up with work and it is such a good feeling to just do the work I need to do for today, and not yesterday or even last week's work too.
My boss told me that I am an "efficient" worker which totally boosted my morale and made me want to work so much harder. I love those days when you're feeling good and work goes so smoothly.
Last week I was stressed because I took an unpaid day off to go to Bear Lake with my in-laws and I wasn't sure how I was going to make up the hours so that my pay check would be about the same amount. I was worried because there's no way I can get overtime if I'm caught up and getting everything done in the 8 hours I'm here, but for some reason or another I've been able to stay an extra half hour everyday and it has been such a relief. This way I'll be able to get overtime and make up for the hours I missed last week.
Also, we've been needing a new roof on our house since the big wind storm last year basically scraped it clean of all of our shingles. And seriously, roofs are so expensive and and so not fun to pay for. We're going to have to do it in two segments, one this fall so that we won't have a major cave in this winter, and then again next year whenever we scrape up the money again. This way we don't have to pay for it all at once, but then again, it's going to look ghhhhhhetto. I know it, you know it, I'm embracing it. Don't feel put out if you're not invited to our house from September until next September because of this.
Well... after that long introduction, today I got approved for my student loans and they're enough to cover the school I'm going to in the fall and spring AND also to cover the first portion of our roof. I know that you shouldn't use your student loans for anything other than school, but this is such a blessing to us. We weren't sure how we were going to swing the roof thing and it's not a want anymore, it's a need or else there's going to be a lot more damage and cost.
The loan will also cover my paychecks while I'm on maternity leave, another huge thing we were stressing.
I am just feeling so blessed and grateful today for what I have and I would have felt very selfish if I were not to say something and acknowledge that even though I think my life sucks sometimes, it is always worse for someone else and it always gets better for me eventually.
I have a great husband who cares about me and my wellbeing and great friends that also make my life so much better.
I'm just feeling so grateful today. I thought y'all should know. :)
Last year "patching" the roof so that our bedroom didn't turn into a swimming pool.
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