Tuesday, July 31, 2012

All my Favorites

Okay Hayley.. :)
Here you go.

Here is a list of my favorite things from A-Z.

A- Avocado. I could eat them for every meal and mixed with almost anything.
B- Books. I love reading about things I didn't previously know about.
C- Cars. I love learning about cars and admiring the pretty ones with RJ.
D- Deters. I love my family and all of their craziness.
E- Eggs. I love them prepared almost any way.
F- Fitness. I like the way it makes me feel and the way it makes me look. :)
G- Grass. Walking around barefoot and playing with the dogs in the evening.
H- Harry Potter. Total Harry Potter nut.
I- Idaho! I love small towns and all the shenanigans that happen there.
J- Jack-o-lanterns. I love fall and Halloween time and Autumn candles.
K- Kit Kat. Total guilty pleasure.
L- Light. I am totally still afraid of the dark.
M- Marriage. I am kind of liking the married business. :)
N- Nerds. I'm always totally attacted to the nerds. 
O- Open minds. I like someone that will give you their opinion, but also respect yours.
P- Pinterest. I'm quite addicted at the moment.
Q- Quails. I'm not making this up. They're the cutest little birds ever.
R- Red. It's my favorite color.
S- Studying. I love school and can't wait to go back in a few weeks.
T- Trees. I love hiking and camping where there are really tall trees that hide the sky.
U- Undies. I love buying cute new underoos.
V- Vancouver. Awesome city and so green and beautiful.
W- Weddings. I love going and seeing the pretty decorations and the happiness... oh and the cake.
X- ..... Well um.... I got nothin.
Y- Yoga. I wish I was better at it and could do all the crazy moves. That goes back to needing to be graceful. Which I am not.
Z- Zebras! Because they're really just a fancy horse and horses remind me of Idaho.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Where Has the Time Gone?

I'm a slacker. I know.
So since I've left you all in the dark for about 3 weeks I've decided to finally grace my blog with my pregnancy once again. :)
The last couple weeks have been really good pregnancy wise. Nothing extreme except the night that I thought I could go run a few miles. I felt like I was 90 years old and had every single tendon from my chin to my ankles angry and cursing. I have then since vowed never to run again. Just kidding... mostly.
A couple of weeks ago my sister decided to introduce me to the store Buy Buy Baby. I thought it would just be this lame store full of baby crap that is unnecessary and pastel colors.
Seriously, I could have gotten lost in there and loved every second of it!
Cute things every where I turned!
There was this elegant beautiful glider rocking chair that I decided I had to have to go into our nursery. Well the price tag told me that I wasn't about to get anything elegant or beautiful out of it.
So imagine my delight when on Saturday I drove past a yard sale and glimpsed over and what is it!?!?! A glider rocking chair that was (almost) just like the one I would have torn my arm off at the store for. RJ was skeptical. Someone's bottom had sat in that chair for who knows how long and it just doesn't have that new smell.
Well folks, I overrode him and we hauled that chair back home for 10 bucks. That deal saved me roughly $400 dollars. Cannot complain one ounce.
I did spend over 3 hours sanitizing the chair because RJ's stinky comments got to me a little bit. :)
I can happily say that it is almost elegant and beautiful and I can't wait to rock the kid to sleep in it.

Excuse the mess, and Schnitzel. We're converting our office into the nursery sooooo... it's kind of sitting in a messy lingo at the moment.

How far along? 15 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I hadn't gained any weight since the first appointment but I have gained some since I got pregnant. About 3 pounds. I'm hoping to "pop" soon.

Maternity clothes? No... and I'm not sure if I'll ever bring myself to do it. My pants are eerily tight though.

Stretch marks? No, and I keep accosting my mom and her sisters at every family party to see if they got them. Apparently it's more of a genetic thing than a slathering the body with expensive lotions kind of thing.

Sleep: Weird, and not always approriate dreams almost every night but sleeping just fine. I have been able to go without peeing a few nights this week so... booyah.

Best moment this week: Having more energy!

Miss Anything? Doing okay at the moment, but I do miss feeling good in my skinny jeans. I just feel like I'm lumpy and poured into them.

Movement: I actually think I felt something this week. It was a fish swimming in my belly sort of feeling and it was only a minute or two so it could have been gas.... but I'm going with baby movement :)

Food cravings: Not craving anything, still not loving everything though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of our kitchen pantry. I think it's just too many smells in one. I haven't been in there without holding my breath for about 2 weeks.

Have you started to show yet: Not really still... I'm just waiting (kind of) patiently.

Gender prediction: Still no idea, but I did dream last night that we had the cutest chunky, curly haired little boy with light brown hair. He was sure adorable so if that is an omen for a son, I'm think I'm okay with that.

Labor Signs: Nada

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited!

Looking forward to: Finding out what it is in a few more weeks. :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Feeling Blessed

Last night I went to bed feeling pretty crummy.
RJ and I had been discussing some pretty heavy topics along with having the stress of having our roommate move out on not so pleasant terms. I was feeling pretty down and frankly, I was just sick and tired of being a responsible adult all the time.

Seriously, why do teenagers want to grow up so fast?!

this morning I woke up not much better.
I drug myself out of bed and hopped into the car and immediately turned on my "angry music".
Which happened to be Rise Against. 

I listened to a song or two and then it turned to my favorite song, "Swing Life Away".
This is my all time favorite song for soooo many reasons but I listened and I as cheesy as it sounds, I suddenly felt better and knew that today was going to be a good day.

And it has been!

I got to work and everything has just gone up from there. I am pretty caught up with work and it is such a good feeling to just do the work I need to do for today, and not yesterday or even last week's work too.
My boss told me that I am an "efficient" worker which totally boosted my morale and made me want to work so much harder. I love those days when you're feeling good and work goes so smoothly.

Last week I was stressed because I took an unpaid day off to go to Bear Lake with my in-laws and I wasn't sure how I was going to make up the hours so that my pay check would be about the same amount. I was worried because there's no way I can get overtime if I'm caught up and getting everything done in the 8 hours I'm here, but for some reason or another I've been able to stay an extra half hour everyday and it has been such a relief. This way I'll be able to get overtime and make up for the hours I missed last week.

Also, we've been needing a new roof on our house since the big wind storm last year basically scraped it clean of all of our shingles. And seriously, roofs are so expensive and and so not fun to pay for. We're going to have to do it in two segments, one this fall so that we won't have a major cave in this winter, and then again next year whenever we scrape up the money again. This way we don't have to pay for it all at once, but then again, it's going to look ghhhhhhetto. I know it, you know it, I'm embracing it. Don't feel put out if you're not invited to our house from September until next September because of this.

Well... after that long introduction, today I got approved for my student loans and they're enough to cover the school I'm going to in the fall and spring AND also to cover the first portion of our roof. I know that you shouldn't use your student loans for anything other than school, but this is such a blessing to us. We weren't sure how we were going to swing the roof thing and it's not a want anymore, it's a need or else there's going to be a lot more damage and cost.

The loan will also cover my paychecks while I'm on maternity leave, another huge thing we were stressing.

I am just feeling so blessed and grateful today for what I have and I would have felt very selfish if I were not to say something and acknowledge that even though I think my life sucks sometimes, it is always worse for someone else and it always gets better for me eventually.

I have a great husband who cares about me and my wellbeing and great friends that also make my life so much better.

I'm just feeling so grateful today. I thought y'all should know. :)

Last year "patching" the roof so that our bedroom didn't turn into a swimming pool.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your First Love Note

Dear my little womb monkey,

I think I'm beginning to start noticing your presence in there. It's like a sloshy pressure-y feeling and to be 110% honest, it kind of freaks me out.

You've already started renovating the place and planning your expansion, I can tell by the odd shape my stomach has taken on and by the weird cramping that I get while I'm trying to sleep.

I'm pretty certain that you're sitting directly on my bladder as if it's a nice cushy waterbed because I pee about 88 times a day and my "full" bladder really is mere trickles. I can only imagine the joy it's going to be when you weight pounds instead of ounces.

You really aren't happy when I sit or lay in the same position for long periods of time. You turn up the nausea button and also send darting pains down the right side of my body.

I wish I had a time machine so that I could speed up until about a month from now so that I would know if I could start calling you a he or a she. I don't care either way, but I am starting to feel a little callous by calling you "it". I wish that I would have weird dreams or some sort of inkling of what you might turn out to be, but as of now, I think I'm going to be guessing until you decide to let us know.

Your aunts and uncles are probably more excited about your impending arrival than anyone else. They call and text at least once a day asking for updates. I have to tell them that you're living a pretty simple life and that not much is going on as of yet.

Kid, the more I think about it and the closer I get I really just can't wait to meet you. I know it'll be some time before then but I already think that'll be the best day of my life so far. I like the feeling of being pregnant and responsible for the tiniest little bundle of happiness inside me, but I think I'm going to love you even more on the outside.

At least until you start wailing at the top of your lungs. And then maybe I'll rethink the in the belly thing. :)

Until we meet,

Monday, July 16, 2012

BIG Plans

I'm not sure why I think this is a good idea but I'm going for it anyway-

Next May I'm going to run the Ogden Half Marathon!

I am really excited and can't wait to start training even though I have to cook and deliver a kid first. :) The reason that I want to run this is so that once I have baby Nestman I will be motivated to get right back into shape afterward. I want to be able to get back to the same fitness level and also be able to still enjoy the things that I love even though our lives will have changed quite a bit.

I ran the Moab Other Half Marathon in 2009 with my sister and really enjoyed it. It was hard work but definitely paid off and I felt so good afterwards. I am hoping for the same results this time.

RJ and I have kind of made a joke of it because the last one I ran I told him what I thought my time would be and told him to be there at that time. Well, good for me, bad for him- I finished a lot faster than I thought and he was still parking the car when I finished. I did give him much crap for this, but I realize really whose fault it was. :)
He keeps telling me I have to do another one so that he can camp out for all 2 hours and make sure he's there at the finish line this time.  

So here is myself officially saying that next May I'm going to run again :D

The Other Half Moab Marathon in 2009- First thing in the morning!

Finally finishing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2nd Appointment

We went to our second doctor's appointment today. 
I'm still waiting to float down from cloud nine. 
:) :) :) 

My doctor said that we could do an "off the books" ultrasound and see how much the baby has grown since the last ultrasound. 
Goodness, it's husky. And has a belly already. I told RJ it's no wonder I always feel hungry, the kid is taking up all of my food already. 
It's got all the usual parts, two arms, two legs, etc. etc. 
It kept it's hands up by it's face most of the time which to me was the cutest thing ever. 

I don't know what it is but I seriously already love this little thing so much. 
It makes my heart smile to think of it in there listening to me sing in the car and yell at RJ to get me a drink of water at 11:30 at night. (I'm aware that it can't really hear anything yet, and if so it's all 10,000 leagues under the sea). 

It makes me so happy that it is growing and getting bigger. I haven't really gotten a bigger belly yet so I always worry that it isn't growing much, but I was wrong. It looks all tight and cramped in there. I keep willing my belly to look bigger so 1. the kid can have more room, and 2. so that I can eat buckets of ice cream on my lunch break without weird looks. Everyone loves a pregnant lady. They forgive them for eating buckets of ice cream for lunch. 

I also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time which was kind of cool. It's all whooshy and light. It made my heart beat a little faster hearing it going strong down there. 

I am adamantly against putting pictures of the inside of me on here, like my ultrasound pictures, but I improvised and took of picture of me holding it so that you don't get it in all it's glory and you can see how ecstatic I am. 

Anyway, I'm pretty excited to say the least. I can't wait until 5 weeks from now when I get to find out what it is and start buying tiny baby socks until they're out of stock in all 5 surrounding cities. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

[tap] [tap] Is This Thing on?

Honing in on 13 weeks today. I didn't get a picture last night because I was grouchy, restless and nose deep into Harry Potter. Oh and I completely forgot it was Wednesday since I had the day off.

So you will have to see week 12's picture that I forgot to post. Don't worry, nothing much has changed.

RJ and I had a good 4th of July. On Tuesday night we drove up to the B and watched Eaglewood's fireworks from up there. It was fun to be alone and could talk about how next July 4th we'd be holding a baby in our arms, watching it be entertained by the fireworks. It makes me happy to have something so great to look forward to.

The best story this week was RJ's brother Rich brought over one of his friends that you could blatantly tell was a smoker. Now I generally have no issues with smoking if that's what you want to do, as long as you do it respectfully.

Well as I'm cooking dinner they were sitting at the table chatting when I got the horrible feeling that I was going to lose it into my cooking pot of rice. I booked it upstairs just in time. I felt a little bad when RJ told him it was because he smelled. haha. Oh the joys of being pregnant.

Without further ado, my 12 week picture and questionaire. :)

How far along: 13 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself the other day and if I go off of my pre-knocked up weight I would have gained 3 pounds.

Maternity Clothes? Not yet, I am not sure how I feel about them yet. I'm hoping to rock my loose t-shirts and/or dresses when my belly really pops.

Stretch Marks? None yet, but my stomach has been really itchy in the morning so I have been slathering on lotion after I get out of the shower.

Sleep? What is sleep? What is this foreign thing you speak of? I don't have any trouble falling asleep, but I am a stomach sleeper but now that is uncomfortable so I have had trouble staying asleep for very long. And I woke up to pee twice last night. WTH? I can't imagine how bad it's going to get later on.

Best Moment This Week: Puking in RJ's car so now he thinks it's ruined... which, bonus! That means I got to drive the nice car for a few days. :)

Have you told family & friends? I'm pretty sure everyone and their dog knows now, and my family has already started buying it crap. Which I can't complain about. :)

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and being able to pee once a day.

Food Cravings? I'm still in the food aversion phase. Nothing sounds good ever besides fruit smoothies.

Anything make you sick or queasy? Everything! The smell of RJ after he mows the lawn, spaghetti, Rich's smoker friend... name it..

Have you started to show yet? A teensy tiny bit. The picture above makes me look HUGE but really I had just eaten dinner.

Gender Prediction: RJ is still set on boy. I still don't have any feelings either way.
Labor Signs: Nada

Belly button in or out? It is in.

Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose.

Happy or moody most of the time? This week I have to go with more on the moody side. We've got a few house guests that throw me out of routine and I have just been feeling uncomfortable lately, so it's not hard to put me into a sobbing fit or else mad as hell!

Looking forward to: Our appointment next Wednesday!