Saturday, August 27, 2011

Never Thought I Was Much of a Stress Eater.... Until Now

I made it through my first week of school and no one was even mean to me!
I was nervous for nothing and I already am loving this semester and my classes. I am happy to be there and I am glad that I did it. It's not nearly as bad as my mind thought it would be.

I think I was mentally struggling with the fact that I was going to get a lot more busy and actually have to make an effort to get good grades and stay on top of things at home, while also quenching RJ's thirst for mountain biking at least a couple of times a week, so last weekend hit and my body decided to EAT and EAT and EAT. Luckily, I caught onto my body's little act of rebellion early on and told myself no,
but seriously... it's so hard wanting to pig out all the time and say no to yummy things that I know if I eat I will be dissapointed later when my jeans no longer fit.
Inside there was a 12 year old boy screaming  for Cheetos and Cheesecake!
I have tried this week to tell him no, but he got the better of me yesterday and I did eat a Mocha Shake from McDonalds... (hanging my head in shame).
So sad.
I thought that school would just be a crimp in my afternoon internet browsing but if I don't start feeling confident in going I'm going to be online shopping  for fat pants!

If I start getting enormously big, please tell me to put down the cheeseburger and run a few miles. I might be snippy at first, but I will thank you later. :)

Lots of Love!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.

Wow, it's been a while. I know I say that at the beginning of every post but if I get out of the habit then it's hard to start going again. But I like to think this is a journal of sorts so here I am.

This week has been really good. I feel like I have accomplished something that I have wanted to do for such a long time. I finally got up the courage to enroll back into college and go. I had my first class last night and I loved every minute of it.

I'm not even going to tell you how terrified I was to go. I'm not sure why I was so nervous but I was walking to class and my palms were sweaty and my heart was racing so when I finally got there and sat down I felt like I'd run a marathon. But after I got settled in I felt fine and I was really happy that I'd taken this step and actually done it.

In the past you could say I was a little bit of a flake. I didn't usually follow through with things and I was always too scared to put myself out there. I feel better now that I've took the initiative to do something that I have wanted to. I know that it's not going to be an easy thing, college for the next 4 years or so, but I know that it's the right thing to do and that I want to do it. I am happy with my decision.

And yes, I did watch Billy Madison in honor of school starting. :)